my personal hell

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  Type was on his bed staring a hole into the ceiling. He was happy there was no way tharn would be able to find this place. Calling in he took a month off. Breathing out he got up going to the fridge getting a beer.
Walking to the tub he filed it with water.
Submerged he laid his head back downing the bottle then throwing it to the floor watching it shattered. Looking to the water he shook his head.
"What the fuck is the matter with you?" "Well that plan didn't fucking work!"
Going half way down he put his chin in the water not really seeing anything.
"What am i going to do now?"
Soon he looked to the bed from the bathroom he heard his phone going off. Signing he got up getting a towel across his waist. Going to the phone just in time he opened it.
"You have a job"
Type sat down at the edge of the bed.
"Marco i took time off I'm not."
"Itll pay 50,000"
Type gulped.
"What's the job?"
"Something you've been wanting to get into since you don't want to keep killing."
Types eye brow rose.
"Its to be a bodyguard for 6 months. Yourll be around the client 24'7 and Yourll live on site with them."
Type looked forward concentrating.
"Who's the client?"
Papers shuffled on the other end.
"Tharn kao."
He's eyes went wide.
"No no no no I apologize but you can pass that to someone else."
"He requested you. We have here he'll double the amount."
"Do you also see i was contracted to kill him?"
Type froze.
"Type you don't really have a choice you know we get half of what wherever you make with this you can get 50,000. Yourll start tomorrow at 10pm."
"No i refuse."
Dial tone.
"Marco? Marco?" "God damn it."
He throws the phone to the wall.
Hanging his head he put his hands on the back of his head.
Going to the company the next morning he.goes to his locker grabbing some equipment for this job. Putting it in the bag he looks to see lin leaning in the doorway looking at type. They glare for a moment then type turns around closing his locker.
Lin goes to type hugging him around his waist.
"I've heard."
Type signs.
Turning around lin put his hands on either side of types face pulling him into a kiss. He twitched. Pulling out lin puts his head on type chest. Type looks forward breathing deep.
"Please don't have sex with him."
Type leans his head to the locker. With his arms he brings them up to hug lin.
"Of course not."
Lin smiles and looks to a serious type.
Nodding lin leaves. Type whips his lips. Hitting his head on the lockers he looks forward. Its not fair that your leading lin on when you feel nothing. He thought.
"I won't have sex with tharn, i won't."
Then he looked to the ground biting his lip.
In the car he stares out the window looking at the house. The driver turns around.
"You can go in"
Closing his eyes he breathes in. Opening the door he walks up the steps with his bag. Stopping at the door he breathes in deep again.
Just business. Keep him away from you. Just business.
Waking in he.looks around, the place is impressive.
Then type freezes.
Tharn is standing at the top of the stairs smiling.
Type rolles his eyes.
Going to stand in front of type he looks him over and sees his bag questionally.
Type follows his stare.
"You know your here for 6 months right."
"Mmm i know im fine."
Looking at each other tharn raises his hand trying to touch types face. Eyes widening he smacks the hand away. Tharn chuckles.
"Let get something straight here mr.kao, you are not going to lay an unprofessional finger on me or I'm leaving understand!"
Tharn raising his eye brows type had never called him by his last name.
He takes a step forward. Type leans slightly back.
"Sure mr. Xian."
Type flinches.
Tharn leans back motioning with his arm for type to follow.
Walking type looks everywhere til they go to his room.
Inside type sees a queen bed, a dresser, a desk no bathroom in his room. Putting his bag on the bed he goes straight into it taking out his gun putting bullets in and cocking it. Placing it in his gun holster he breathes in.
"I need a copy of your alarms, your keys, your enemy list, people closest to you, etc."
Tharn walks to type trying to put his head on his shoulder. Type pushes him off pulling out his gun. Pointing it at tharn. Tharn smirks.
"Don't fucking touch me!" "I don't want to be here. I don't want to be anywhere near you."
"Then why are you here."
Type rolles his eyes putting his gun back.
"The money."
Tharn flinches. Signing he motions with his fingers for type to follow. Going into his tech room type looks around impressed. Tharn walks to the desk then he looks towards type who is acting like a kid.
He nods.
Tharn goes to type giving everything he asks for. Type skims it.
"Its late i will retire for tonight and start early tomorrow."
Tharn nods. He tries again to touch type. He leans back. Then an idea played in his head. Type steps in front of tharn.
"Stop trying to touch a Man who is taken."
Tharn freezes, confusion crosses his face.
Type leans back with a smirk.
"I'm dating lin and i will be going back to him when this is all over."
Tharn looks to type in Anger.
Type smiles ruthlessly and turns to leave shutting the door.
Hitting his head on the door for the lie he goes to his room locking it.
Tharn left in the room puts his hands behind him leaning on the desk fuming.
The dream:
"Aaaah tharn"
Tharn is fucking type from behind on the side of the door. They have one hand intertwined and tharn has his hand on types cock pumping it up and down.
Type has his one hand on the door frame gripping it.
There bodies bounce up and down from the friction of the thrusting.
"Aaaah ffuuck ttharn. I love when you jerk me off."
Type closes his eyes biting his lip.
Tharn goes to his ear lobe licking it.
"I love fucking this..... Mmmmmm tight ass."
They both chuckle.
Thrusting hard type cums all over tharns hand.
"Ddont stop fucking me!"
Tharn takes his cum soaked hand to type gripping hand intertwining them.
"Mmmmmm type mmmm so good."
To the present type jolts awake looking around in a cold sweat.
"Not at the Academy! Not real! Aaaah no real!"
Type looks down to see him pinching a tent. Leaning back down he closes his eyes breathing.
"Why would i dream of that"
With his one hand he pinches the bridge of he's nose.
Keeping his eyes closed he slowly takes his other hand to his member.
Going into his boxers he whips out his engorged cock and starts to pump biting his lip.
Tossing and turning tharn couldn't sleep. Type was seeing lin. He was going to go back to him?
Tharn laid on his back staring at the ceiling.
Shaking his head he gets up.
"I'm going to see type."
Walking out his bedroom silently he paces to types room. Looking at the door nob he knew he probably locked it but tharn was a proficient lock picker.
Getting it unlocked he slowly and silently opened the door. He's eyes widen and he froze. Type had his eyes closed and he was breathing hard pumping his member.
Tharn watches biting his lip.
"Mmmm tharn."
Then type quickly puts his hand on his mouth.
Tharn smiled.
Looking down he was hard. Pulling his throbbing cock out he starts to pump and hard. Moaning inside his mouth.
Type is close he starts to thrust and hard into his hand.
"Mmmmmmm" he moans into his hand.
Trembling he explodes all over his boxers. Gritting his teeth He pulls his boxers off throwing them. Laying to his side back to an unknown tharn he puts his arm under he's head. With a deep sign he goes to sleep.
Tharn is still pumping his member.
"Type." He says silently.
Cumming into his hand he looks down then to type.
"Soon this will be your seed on my hand type, im going to over work you so you can't refuse me. Boyfriend or not."
Closing the door silently tharn thanks up a plan.

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