Ch. 1 - My Green Pepper

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During the early morning of an intense summer heat, there lay a red dragon, bruised and unconscious under the boiling sun.
The cold blooded reptile was left to be welcomed by death near the great Hirotara lake, the pure water of the lake had been disturbed by the blood of the dragon.
A body was standing next to the dragon, a body of a human, a hunter, perhaps.
He had blond crispy hair that spiked outwards to all sides and rose amber eyes.
He wore a great red silk cloak and brown skin pants that suited him well, and necklaces decorated with teeth of all sorts.
He was also injured, a steam of blood running down his forehead and multiple scratches covered his body.
The man was grumbling, a sword gripped in both of his hands and a whip hung from his belt. He was in a ready stance, prepared to fight whatever was ruffling in the bushes in front of him.
They were surrounded by trees, pine bushes and berries, pine cones all over the floor, the dark brown contrasting with the bright green of the grass.
It was a moment of peak silence.
The man was holding his breath, all his muscles were tense as he tried his best not to pass out. Protecting his beast friend was his top priority.
Promptly, a younger fellow, with seaweed-green hair and a villager's uniform popped up from behind the large bushes, distracted by the tiny thorns that pricked him.
He was mumbling none sense until he heard the heavy breathing of the dragon and raised his head. His eyes locked with the blond's own eyes.
The green haired lad was at awe with what was standing not too far in front of him.
Although he wouldn't use this language himself, the probably sexiest man he'd ever seen was standing before him.
His chest that was covered with fresh scratches was toned and strong looking, the green haired lad almost left sad on why such a perfect chest had to be ruined by littering scars.
How his eyes stood out and how his posture and physic were so eye catching, the lad caught himself drooling.
Immediately, his eyes widened in fright as the man collapsed to his side, but not before uttering the word "Deku".


My head hurt like shit. I raised a hand to my head as I groaned only to realize I had bandages wrapped around it.
I reluctantly opened my eyes while attempting to recall what had happened and how I have ended up in this position.
I could feel Eijiro's body behind me but my neck was too sore to even try and look at him from behind my bloody back.
I could hear him as well, he was breathing a steady rhythm which honestly comforted me.
If I was injured, is Eijiro injured as well?
My eyes turn to my surroundings and I study that I'm in a cave, but it was not dark at all.
The sunlight was bright and the cave color was a peach brown, I was able to see anything and everything normally.
I groaned as I stretched and attempted to stand up, by knees buckled at my first attempt and I ended up on all fours.
"How humiliating."
A gasp was heard from the mouth of the cave and I quiclky raise my head up.
I met the eyes of a green haired villager who was holding a bucket of water in one hand and a basket of food in the other.
He placed both down and scurried towards my side, supporting me onto my ass.
Memories flood back, suddenly, and it hurt like a bitch. I groaned and held my head with my hand while my other hand was captured in the surprisingly bone-crushing hold of the villager.
It was Deku. I remember you, ye bastard.
I chuckle in my head.
"Sir, are you alright?!" He questioned in unease, worry written all over his freckled face.
I looked at him and spat on the ground.
"I'm fine."
I forced my hand away from him and slowly started to remove the bandage around my head. I could feel it was dirty, probably dirty of my blood.
Deku quietly gasped again and rushed back to the basket and bucket, moving them nearer to Eijiro and me. He shuffled through until he found bandages and showed it to me.
"I'm going to rewrap your head agian, alright? Please stay still..."
I'm not weak. But I couldn't help but feel dizzy, so I lied back down into Eijiro's body and let the assiduous kid take care of me.
I snatched his hand as he was about to pat me just as he finished bandaging.
"Watch it, bitch." I finally turn around, and the sight of Eijiro shakes me slightly.
Did my all mighty dragon partner really fall so down by those bloody wizards?
Fucking bastards. I'll show 'em, I'm going to fuck them up the next time I see them, I'll rip their hair out and steal all their valuables and ki——
"Sir, please refrain from moving so much. Don't worry, your dragon friend is fine." Deku smiled attempting to comfort me.
I looked at him and I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. This bastard, damn it.
"How did we get here?"
"Oh, it's not too far from Hirotara and it's a good cover place in case you were in danger, so I used my pixie dust to carry you here. I hope you don't mind.."
"You used fairy magic?"
I've rarely seen fairy magic, and the one time it was used on me I was unconscious. I groaned and turned back to Ejiro.
"Wake up, Shitty Hair." grumbles came from the sleeping beast. "I said, WAKE UP."
His head shook wildly and his eyes snapped open. His jaw unlocked and a thundering roar came from him, Deku had to block his ears.
The dragon finally went silent and looked around. A low rumble vibrated from his stomach as he saw me.
"Fucking hell," I looked at Deku, his eyes were wide in shock but the sparkles in them told me that he might've, just maybe, be anything but scared.

We were eating, Eijiro had shifted into his half human form. Him and Deku are getting along well.
"Sir, I'm sorry for my late question, but what do you go by?" Deku looked at me. He hasn't got a clue.
Eijiro chocked on his wine from his metal goblet. Deku was silent, slightly confused at Eijiro.
"Kacchan, nice to formally meet you! I'm Midoryia Izuku!"
I scoffed.
I swallowed the last bite of my sandwich and stood up. "Where are you headed to?" I don't face Deku but I ask him. He forces an answer out:
"D-down into the city market, Sir Kacchan!"
"Drop it with the sir will you?"
I snatched his basket and the empty bucket that was filled with water (which we used to clean our wounds). I left the cave and started heading to the city market, Eijiro following behind me. Deku was at the mouth of the cave, staring at us as we walk.
"Are you coming or what?"
He was startled. "Pardon?"
"You fucking saved us, clown. We owe you now."
Eijiro couldn't stop staring at me in disbelief. I have no right to complain, this is the first time I've acted kindly to a 'stranger' and honestly I surprised myself.
Deku smiled, nodding with a positive "Hmph!", and started to follow behind us.
Our walk towards the city market was filled with annoying questions. Most from Deku and Eijiro chimed in here and there.
He now is aware who we were and that we were battling a wizard and vampire, commonly known as fucktard stitches and lunatic bitch, which led to our shameful loss.
Eijiro didn't seem fazed by that, but I couldn't help but feel angry.
We stop, take a break near some berry trees and have a small snack. Deku made flower crowns for him and Eijiro, and sadly one for me too. But I wore it. All the way to the city market, and when people stared at the flower crowns specifically, I was close to slicing them with my sword before Eijiro stopped me.

And finally, we stop in front of the shop Deku had in mind.

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