A Thief Exposed

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The second wizarding war had come into full swing with Voldemort's second rise to power after his first downfall 17 years ago. The ministry who didnt believe Tom had returned was taken over by Death Eaters in the late summer of 1997. Snatchers were dispatched to hunt down innocent Muggleborns who were condemned to Azkaban for 'stealing' magic from normal wizards and witches, and any witch or wizard who was caught aiding said 'thieves' were immediatly sentenced to death or life in Azkaban. If that wasn't bad enough Hogwarts placed under Voldemort's control with Snape as Headmaster. 

But through all of this hardship and time of suffering and torment they still held onto the belief that their savior Michael Albus Potter the boy who lived would rescue them. That's right Michael, the boy who saved the sorcerers stone in his first year, slain the basilisk in his second year. Caught Peter Pettigrew in his third year, won the triwziard tournament and witnessed Voldemort's resurrection in his fourth year. Fought against the dark lord when retrieving the prophecy in his fifth year, and helped Albus track down the Horcruxes in his sixth year.

Although the boy lacked knowledge he had the magical power to back it up. Of course the only reason he had this power boost was because unknown to everyone it came from the magic that was taken from his brother Harry James Potter when he was only five years old. Back then after the fall of Voldemort Harry began showing less signs of magic. Causing his parents to believe he might be a squib. Although still considered magical the Potters and Albus believed that for the greater good they had to transfer Harry's magic no matter how small to his older brother to fight Voldemort. Afterwards no one knew the Potters had a second child since he was then placed in the muggle world with Lily's sister where he would be safe. Harry though had felt nothing but resentment for his family after his magic was taken from him.

Speaking of Harry he knew the second wizarding war was going on. After all his parents did come to visit him on his birthday and stayed for maybe an hour or two explaining how things were going in their world before leaving to go back to their savior. Harry still held hatred for them but never really showed it. He had the love of his Aunt Petunia who despised Lily but held no hatred for Harry. Petunia was disgusted with how her younger sister could strip her son of his magic and then throw him aside. Harry was her blessing after Vernon left her and took Dudley with him. Though she kept the house and the money her parents left her she still stayed strong. 

She prayed to any deity that was listening to punish the Potters in the worst way possible. But as the old saying goes be careful what you wish for you might just get it. Young Harry made his career in the Muggle World as a fashion designer at the age of 13. He was quite gifted with fashion trends as a child and designed a few clothes himself. Many men and women including some noble families both magical and muggle purchased and publized his designs. After four years of making his vast fortune he sold his buisness for a large sum of money. He also visited the magical sector under the name of Hadrian Thomas Evans. He visited there many times with his aunt Petunia and opened an account at Gringotts.

During his constant visits he met a beautiful young woman with soft skin and beautiful silver hair. The woman introduced herself as Delphini Hera Riddle. Harry was shocked he didn't know the dark lord had a daughter. But he didn't find her evil because of her parentage. They hung out and even went on some dates. They became so close till he proposed to her. Their wedding was small but perfect in every way. After their marriage Harry received a letter from Gringotts who congratulated them on their marriage and was asked to come to Gringotts. 

When they arrived Harry was tested and was revealed to be the heir of the Peverell and Gryffindor families from his father's side and the Celeste family on his mother's side. Delphini was given 75 million galleons from the Slytherin vault as she was the heiress. The combined fortunes came to over 1.5 billion galleons which set himself and his wife for life for the next centuries to come. 

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