Chapter 1

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(Aight please forgive me for this first chapter, ik it sucks. Another thing, this probably won't be updated regularly, sorry about that :'))

"WRRRRRYYYYYY!" The attention of everyone in your family (aka your mom) turned to you as you screamed. "What's wrong, (Y/n)?" Your mother rushed over to you, asking what was the matter. "My darn suitcase won't close!" you replied, struggling to zip up your stuffed suitcase. "Ah, let me help you." Your mother swiftly dumped everything out of your suitcase, and you stared at her in horror. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" you exclaimed, putting your hands on your head. Your mother shot you a glare before returning back to her work. "Language..." You watched as your mother, unlike you, neatly put everything in a certain spot in your suitcase, making it to where she had no problem zipping it up. You raised an eyebrow in confusion. 'How come I couldn't do that?' you thought to yourself. 

Your mother stood up, admiring her work as she turned to you. "Aww, my little girl's all grown up. Going to college tomorrow," she stated, tearing up a bit. You gave her a gentle hug, and smiled sadly as you pulled away. "It's okay mom. I already told you that I'll visit whenever I can," you reassured her, patting her on the back. She nodded, and went back to doing whatever it was before she had to help you. After staring at your suitcase for a bit, you sat down in your couch, thinking about the life ahead of you. The things you began to wonder soon put you into a state where everything around you had been tuned out, focusing only on your thoughts. 'What will things be like?' 'Will I make any new friends?' 'Is there a chance that I might even see someone I know?' You were so caught up in thinking that you couldn't even hear your mother yelling at you until she playfully hit the back of your head. 

"Ayyyy! Why'd you do that?" you asked dramatically, rubbing the back of your head as if it actually hurt, which it didn't. Your mother sighed, smiling as she spoke. "I thought you fell asleep with your eyes open. It was creepy. Anyways, go get some sleep. You have a bit day tomorrow!" She gave you a pat on the head before sending you off to bed, leaving you in your room to think. You decided not to though (*cough* Kars *cough*), instead you put your pajamas on and climbed into bed, closing your eyes as you drifted off to sleep.


"(Y/n) you need to get up now!" Someone was currently trying to wake you up, but you shooed them away, annoyed that they were trying to wake you up so early. You suddenly bolted up as you felt someone shaking you violently. "Jesus- I'm up! I'm up!" You slapped the person's away, rubbing your eyes afterwards. After you had finally regained your vision, you saw your mother staring at you impatiently. "Get up! You need it eat before you leave!" she exclaimed, practically dragging you out of bed. You groaned, wanting to go back to the comforts of your bed. Then, you finally remembered. It was leaving day. After shooing your mother away once again, you stood up, looking for your suitcase and double checking that everything you needed was in there. Seeing that everything was ready, you sat down at the kitchen table, knowing that your mother was already making breakfast for you.

She brought over a plate of pancakes, setting them down gently in front of you. You immediately dug into them, as you had just remembered that you hadn't packed many snacks for your trip. "Slow down (Y/n)! You'll get yourself sick!" your mother exclaimed, making you slow your eating pace at the realization that she was in fact, correct. "Sorry, it's just that I don't have much food to take with me." You continued to eat your food at a normal pace, stopping when your mother suddenly set a big plastic bag in front of you. "What's this?" you questioned, staring at the bag. "It's a bunch of snacks. You said you didn't have any." You smiled as you opened up the bag to what what was inside, and sure enough, there were a bunch of your favorite snacks in there, Ang you hugged the bag tightly.

"T h a n k y o u m o m." You stretched out your sentence like a second grader would, earning a shake of the head from your mother. "C'mon (Y/n).... We should wait outside. The bus'll be here soon..." You could practically feel the pain that was laced in her sentence, so you stood up, going to hug her. You heard soft sniffles come from her, and you hugged her tighter. After the hug was done with, you gave her a pat on the shoulder before carrying your suitcase and the plastic bag outside, your mother following you. As if on cue, the bus was pulling up at your house, waiting right by the driveway. You turned to your mother, your eyes filled with sadness. "I love you mom," you stated, picking your mother into another hug. "I love you too.. Now go, before the other people think your a wuss for crying over me."

You laughed at her small comment, taking your things and walking to the bus. You stepped in, and saw that it was actually very nice. It was like a tour bus, except it wasn't for touring. You sat down, and the bus started to move. You waved to your mother until she was out of sight, and your journey to college had officially begun. After a few minutes, you put on your a i r p o d s (yes I'm using that line again), and started to listen to The Box (pretty epic song). Something.. or, someone interrupted you as you felt a tap on your shoulder. You paused the music, and turned around to see a strange kid looking at you. You raised an eyebrow, almost as to ask what he wanted. He slowly raised up his arm, holding something in his hand.

You narrowed your eyes a bit to see what it was, and after a few seconds you realized he was holding a juul. "Does thou want to hitteth my contraption of fine potions?" He asked this as if this were some weird Skyrim thing  where you were a traveler looking for potions. "Uh... No thanks, potion seller," you replied, only to earn a groan from him. "Fine." He finally left you alone, and you sighed in relief. This was going to be a long ride.

(Hey.. Guess what? Don't vape or I swear, I'll take your god damn knee caps, I mean it. Anyways traveler, I hope you enjoyed this strange, cringey first chapter! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

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