Chapter 2

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"Wooaaah... This is pretty kek," you said to yourself looking around your new college. You decided to go to Kobe College (in honor of ya boi), and so far it was pretty cool. The place was pretty big, as a college should be, and not one thing looked out of place, unlike almost everything at the high school you've been to. You continued to look around as you walked forward, not even paying attention to the things around you. Luckily though, you didn't bump into anyone or anything while you admires the place you'd be at for the next four or five years or your life. As you finished looking at random stuff, you remembered that you were supposed to be checking in right now, y'know, getting your dorm, your dorm key, lanyard, etc. You quickly ran to the place that you assumed it be check in, considering that there was a line of new students waiting outside. 


"Next!" a loud voice called out. You snapped out of your daze and walked forward, looking at the lady who was going to check you in. "Hello! What's your name, sweetie?" she asked cheerfully, holding a piece of paper and a highlighter in her hand. "Uh, (Y/n) (L/n)!" you replied just as cheerfully. The lady nodded before looking through her piece of paper until she found your name and highlighted it. "Alright! You're checked in! Here's your lanyard, and your dorm key. Oh, and this paper will tell you everything you need to know! There's even a map on the back of it!" The lady handed you everything you needed, and you thanked her as you walked out of the room. "Geez, finally I get to be out of there. That place was crowded as fuck," you told yourself, walking to the building you'd be staying at, carrying your luggage in your free hand. 

As soon as you got to the building, you started to walk to the building you would be staying at. You thought you might as well look around again, y'know, keep yourself from being bored. You expected things to go smoothly as they did like last time, but they didn't. This time, you actually did bump into someone. You stumbled back a bit, and after regaining your composure, you looked at the person you had bumped into. "Oh- Shit, I'm sorry fam," you stated, smiling nervously. The person stared at you with what seemed like a burning hatred. The dude came closer to you, and you backed away with each step he took. "Don't call me 'fam,' bitch," he retorted, getting even closer. At that statement, you turned around sharply, and ran away with all of your stuff in your hands. He chased after you, and you kept wondering why this dude was chasing you, even though you had just bumped into him. "I SAID SORRY! ARE YOU DEAF?!" you screamed as you kept running away.

This only egged him on as his pace quickened. At this point, people in every direction were staring at you, watching as you ran away from that dude as if your life depended on it, which in your opinion, it did. After a few minutes if him chasing you, you thought up a plan. So you, being the big brain you are, stopped in your tracks, which he obviously wasn't expecting. He ran last you, still going full speed, and you took these few seconds of freedom to turn around and run in the direction of the place you were supposed to be going. He was about five meters behind you now, but he was still chasing you. You snickered as he tried to keep up with you, which he kind of did, but not enough to catch you. You finally made it to your building, and ran inside quickly. The dude, still running after you, ran inside the building, staring at you. You frantically searched for your dorm, which you found pretty quickly, and ran inside.

After slamming the door pretty loudly and locking it, you sighed with relief. You turned around, and were instantly met with the eyes of a very confused person. You were also very confused, because this person was.. a dude. "Wait, this place isn't sexist? They don't separate the genders?" you questioned out loud, earning an irritated sigh from your no longer confused roommate. "I'm pretty sure that separating men and women isn't sexist," he replied, putting his hands on his hips. You nodded, and started to unconsciously speak your thoughts. "Your clothes are weird...," you told him as you looked him up and down. His eyebrows furrowed, and he sighed once again. "Nice to meet you too," he stated sarcastically. You snapped out of your thoughts, and smiled nervously. "Oh sorry! Don't listen to me, I'm dumb- Uh, it's nice to meet you too!" you exclaimed happily, holding out your hand for him to shake, which he did.

"So, I'm gonna be stuck with you forever, huh?" he asked out loud as he shook your hand. "Yeah, I guess so. But hey, it won't be too bad...! Hopefully....," you replied, mumbling the last part. The guy smiled, taking his hand away from yours. "My name's Risotto," he stated, a calm expression on his face. "Hmm, that name's familiar... Oh wait! I know! It's-" "Shut up. Everyone says the same thing." He cut you off with his irritated tone. You chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of your neck. "Sorry, sorry. Oh, uh, my name's (Y/n), by the way," you told him, returning to your normal demeanor. He nodded. "Cool." He stayed silent for a minute before speaking again. "Hey, why'd you come running in here?" he queried, pointing at the door. "Ohhhhh that. Uh, some weirdo dumbass was chasing me because I accidentally bumped into him," you replied blandly, sighing afterwards. 

Risotto nodded, but you could tell he was still confused. "Well, hopefully he's gone now," Risotto said, now staring at the door. "Meh, he probably is. Bet he knew he wouldn't be able to beat me in a fight!" You praised yourself,and Risotto laughed at this, making you go in even more. After your strange self confidence session, you smiled at Risotto, who was still laughing, but only a little bit. "I think we might be able to get along well, (Y/n)," he said, smiling. "I also think that, Risotto."

(Heyy Rice Lovers! Remember when I said this wouldn't be updated regularly? Well, I kinda meant it... Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter for some reason, and I'll... catch ya later....? Uh... Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!)

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