Divine Move

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Natalie POV

"Say it again." I demanded to Kira. "He came out of the dark it and it all just happened so fast." She replied. Her voice was so broken. "Good now when they ask for a description you say...." I stopped waiting for her to finish my sentence. She kept looking at the floor so I grabbed her shoulder. "How are you so okay with this." I paused. I was in at lost of words. "It's happened before. here in beacon hills. I've just learned to accept it." She looked back down and shook her head. "Why did you come back." She asked her voice breaking with each word. "I knew you needed us. I was here,with you all for a long time." She got up and put her sword away. "I've gotta go we still have to find Stiles." I got up and opened my arms to hug her. "It's going to be okay." I whispered I'm her hair.

The next day...

Scott's POV

It was time we had to finally stop void. Deaton had brought stiles or void to my house and tied him up. "Someone has to get him out." Deaton was right and I know who it had to be. Lydia. "Lydia has to do it. Shes the only one who has a strong connection with him besides me." I suggested. "Okay Lydia it is."
A couple moments later..

"You ready." I asked Lydia looking at her in concern. "Yes. Now can we please get this thing over with." She replied kinda upset but I could understand why. "Okay let's do this." They had stiles tied up and it was only a matter of time before we could save him."

Allison's POV

I had to call Aiden and Ethan. They were suppose to help me find Isaac who was M.I.A at the moment. I dialed Ethan's number and pressed call. "Hey Ethan Scott wanted me to call you guys so you guys can help me find Isaac. He's been M.I.A ever since last night." "Yeah sure we're on are way right now." "Okay hurry please I'm really worried." I hung up and grabbed my arrow and headed down stairs.

Isaac's POV

"So your saying that this little box can stop all the chaos that's going on." I asked Derek staring at the rounded box strangely. I shook my head in disbelieve. "No but it can help. If course once Scott and Kira kills void." I looked up. "If?" I asked. "Yeah if they don't kill him then the box is completely useless." He replied. "Oh."

Scott's POV

I couldn't believe what I just saw. Stiles is okay but void is still here. I thought we had saved him but I was wrong. And now void Stiles is gone. "We've gotta find him." I yelled. "I'll call Kira." I called Kira and left to for the school.

Kira's POV

When I got the call from Scott I grabbed my Katana and rushed to the school. I got I'm my car and sped to the school. When I got there they were all standing around outside. "You,me,Stiles, and Lydia are going in." Scott demanded. "Allison and the twins will be here shortly." "OK let's go." We all ran in side and when we bust through the doors a chill hit us in the face.....snow. how is it snowing. "What is this Where are we." Scott yelled. And all of a sudden the oni showed up and a man with a army jacket with bandages all over his face was at the door. "Your in your worst nightmare or shall I say your death." The man stuttered out. "But there is a way for this to all end for you to all come out alive....well all of you expect you.. Stiles, you can save your friends." "No!" Scott yelled. And that triggered me to pull my sword out. And so did the Oni,and are swords met face to face and Scott was full on wolf and we fought as hard as we could. "Scott stop this is what he wants. It's all apart of his little game." "Aaaahhhhh finally you've all came to your senses. Now Stiles just end the misery." I turned and saw Stiles pick up the sword. "Stiles what are you doing." Lydia said shook. "I'm ending it. You know maybe this is the answer. The answer to set you all free from my pain from your pain.." "Stiles no this is just what he wants....." she paused. And looked behind her it at a... desk. "It's not real. None if it is real." We turned back to the nogistune. And pushed our way out cut after cut. But it was worth it. When we bust through the doors once again. "We're okay. We're all oka-"  "No no your not. " I turned around to the voice and everything after that went black.

Stiles POV

"The helpless human and his banshee." The void me yelled walking towards us. "Divine move. Divine Move! You think you have any divine moves you think you have any moves. I'm a thousand years old you can't kill me." He yelled. "But we can change you." He stopped in his steps and gave us a confused look. "Your forgot about about the scroll..." "change in host." "You can't be a fox and a wolf." I flinched at his scream when Scott bit him and when Kira sword went through his stomach. "Aaaaaaaarrrggghhhhhhh" and then he shattered into dust and a firefly flew into the air and we heard a clasp and there stood Isaac with a circular box. Then I saw black.

Kira's POV

It was over. It was all over we were all alive.

Stiles POV

I opened my eyes only to look up to all my friends surrounding me. "Oh God I passed out didn't I. " they chuckled. "Were all alive." It was over and were we all alive.

Allison's POV

He oni disappeared. They destroyed void and saved Stiles and we were all okay.

The next morning.

Kira's POV

It was all over. But he wasn't here to lay with me to celebrate are great defeat. He was somewhere else celebrating. But he's suppose to be here. We were suppose to spend forever together have are happy ending and my dreams are all gone in an instant just like that.... he's gone and he's not coming back.

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