War stories and Shock

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(A/n: I'm moving back into third person. By the way, which do you guys prefer?)

Izzy couldn't help but smirk slightly as Carl's face contorted into one of awe.

"No way!"

Izzy nodded. "Yes, way."

Carl shook his head. "No way. There's no way you made it all the way across enemy territory and back with only two cases of bullets and a water bottle."

Izzy scoffed slightly in a joking manner. "I'm tellin' you, the water bottle saved me!" A knock sounded at the door, and their stood Lori. Izzy's smile dropped as she stood up. "I'll leave you two alone now."

As Izzy turned to leave, the other brunette stopped her by the arm. Izzy turned her head slightly, wearing her 'warface', which was surprisingly calm for someone who looked like they were about to go on a murder spree. "Thank you Isabelle."

"It's just Izzy, Lori. And you're welcome." Glancing at Carl one last time, Izzy stalked out of the room to find Daryl.

She found him lying down in his tent on his side, his back facing her. She sighed before sat down besides him. "Want to talk about it?"

Daryl sat up and wrapped his arms around Izzy. "They knew. The girl, Sophia, she's been in their barn the entire time as a walker Iz. And they knew."

Izzy's breathe hitched as she wrapped her arms tightly around Daryl. This was the first time in what seemed like forever that Daryl didn't even seem to have the energy to be angry. He tended to get violent when angry. This was something else. This almost felt...defeated.

"Is Carol ok? Wait...don't answer that, stupid question."

"Hershel wants us gone."

Izzy closed her eyes momentarily. "That's a problem for later. We can deal with that tomorrow, and I'll try to talk to Hershel. I was a friend of Maggie's before all this, maybe I can convince him to let us stay. For now we need to make sure Carol's okay."

Daryl nodded before the two stood up, an arm now wrapped around Izzy's smaller frame as they joined Carol in the rv. They sat mostly in silence, besides the "I'm so sorry" when Izzy had hugged the mourning Mother.

While the others went to the funeral, Izzy stayed with Carol, per her request. She sat by and watched as she tore up the flower beds in frustration. Izzy was still trying to work out what to say when Maggie ran up to her.

"It's Beth. Sh-She just collapsed and I can't find Dad. You're the closest thing to a Doctor here."

"Carol, I'll be back." Both brunettes took off in a sprint towards the house.

Izzy leaned over the girl. "Beth, sweetheart, can you hear me?" She glanced up. "Maggie, do you have a flashlight?"

"Uhh here."

Izzy shined it into Beth's eyes. "Her pupils are dilated. You said she just collapsed?" A nod came from Maggie.

"Okay. So her heart beat seems a little faster than normal. My best guess is a mixture of shock and not enough food or water. I suggest either getting her something to eat and drink or an iv. We also need to cool her down. Otherwise, I'm not sure if I will be a major help. I only ever sticked people up and help fight infections."

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