Judge, Jury, execution

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Izzy let out a sigh as she ran a hand through her hair. She had been awake the last 48 hours, and on top of that it was hot. Really hot. She had been maintaining Beth, talked to Maggie about Glenn, debated the Randell situation, and now there were two separate fights going on between two sets of woman. The cherry on the tip of the iceberg was when Carl asked where babies come from.

It had been a long 48 hours, to say the least.

It was silent for a while, just long enough for Izzy to start a batch of laundry before the screaming started.

"Oh my god, is she ok?!"

Izzy ran towards the front door. "What happened?"

Maggie's lip quivered before she responded. "Beth tried to kill herself and it's Andrea's fault."

"It wasn't deep. She made her decision, she wants to live."

Izzy scowled at Andrea. "You do realize slitting your wrist is only lethal 21.4%  of the time, right? Most people subconsciously don't cut deep enough, even when they are attempting to do so."

Andrea faltered slightly. "How do you know that?"

Izzy's brown eyes hardened. "You're not the only one who's had urges." Pushing past Andrea, she made her way towards the camp. Any minute now, Daryl would be done interrogating Randal.

Izzy moved towards Daryl as he approached the group. "Boy there's got a gang, 30 men he reckons. They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead, and our woman will wish they were."

Izzy set down his crossbow. "Common, let's go get you cleaned up, ok?"

Daryl let out a sound of protest until Izzy gave him 'the look'. If she wore glasses, she would resemble a disappointed teacher or a librarian after people start to yell.

Daryl hated 'the look'. It always got him to come clean or do as she says.

He followed her to the tent they shared, where she pulled out a water bottle and a rag. She wet the rag before using it to get the blood off of his hands.

Izzy glanced up at him. "So, what do you think about executing Randall?"

"I don't care, I just don't want him near ya, you know? He gives me a bad feeling."

Izzy pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. "I don't like it, but if he goes back to his people, we're all as good as dead." She twisted the rag, squeezing the water out of it as she finished up. "Wake me up when it's time for dinner. It'll drive me insane if I don't sleep soon."

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