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Picture of Callie^^^

Athena's POV

I've been home for about 3 weeks now, I miss everyone in LA so much. I miss my brother, the girls... and all the guys, no matter how annoying they got. I just miss how we would could all hang out and just spend quality time together and it never get boring.

I think I miss Valentino most of all though. I miss his touch, his smile, his voice... His lips... His smell. Ugh he always smelled so good, and the way he looks at me. It's addicting, he's addicting. We text and call all the time now, but it's not the same as being with him every day. I mean I was only there for less than a month. I don't get how I can be so attached already.

I start school the first of November which is a month and a half away, which is a month and a half I'll be without Val. Anyways, I need to stop sulking and get up and do something.

I go down stairs and go outside all the way to the barn and clean out the stalls, give my horse his nightly brush and the rest of the chores then head back up to the house. And go straight for a shower, getting out and dressed and then go downstairs to tell my dads goodnight. I go back up to my room and get in bed, grabbing my laptop.

I text val

Me: hey, can we FaceTime?

I wait for a response

Val❤: yes of course.

I see the incoming call on my laptop a few seconds later. He greets me with a smile "hi baby doll" my heart flutters, "hi" I smile back, "I miss you so much amor" he says, "yo también te extraño" (I miss you too) He gives me a sad look, I've never seen him like this. "Well, what did you do today?" I ask, trying not to budge on why he's sad. "Well, me and everyone went out to eat and the guys and I went on a supply run for a couple of Sam's bars. That took 4 hours bc the ride there was so long, but that's about it. What about you?"

"I just stayed home today, Ameria went home though so it was kinda lonely." I say, "Aw baby I'm sorry it was lonely. Have you heard any news about your grandma today though?" He asks, he's so caring. "Yeah she's doing a lot better today, my papa finally got her to cave and go to the hospital, turns out it was just a stomach bug. To make a long story short, she was pretty upset that my papa made her go just for a stomach bug." I laugh, my grandma is a fire cracker.

"Aww I can't wait to meet your grandma she sounds like a funny lady.." He pauses, "do you think I'll get to meet your family one day?" He asks, "um yes of course I want you to meet them. But not until I turn 18, you know how my dad's are. They'd flip if they knew what I was doing in LA." I say. "Yeah I know, I'll just have to sneak around them until then." He smirks, I love his smirks smile it's so cute. "Yes, we can do all the sneaking you want" I give him a hard wink and raise my eyebrows at him which makes him laugh. But I get sad for some reason.

"How are you baby? Everything okay?" He asks, giving me his best empathy face. "Yeah,yeah I'm okay" I sigh, "I just miss everyone" my voice cracks as I feel the build up of tears in my eyes. "We miss you too amor, I can't wait till you come back." He gives me a soft smile. "Yeah, I know. I can't wait either." I give him a smile back and wipe the tear from my face. "Listen ,you should try and get some sleep, it's late. Tomorrow is a new day, so you'll get the chance to make it better. Why don't you go out and do something with your friends. I'll send you some money and you can go to the mall or something" he says, "no I wouldn't ask you to do that, plus I only have like 2 friends that's including Ameira who doesn't have money like that, it wouldn't be like being with Gabby and the girls. I wouldn't want them to feel left out" I say,

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