Chapter 1

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A/N: Thank you again for choosing this story to read! Please don't forget to comment and vote!

Written by 5sosDemigod and me.

All Rights Reserved. Thanks!

WARNINGS: Slight hints of rape and violence. Mature language.

His nails raked through her pale white skin as he thrusted into her.

Even as he gripped her shoulders hard, quickened his movements, it wasn't enough.

It wasn't 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 enough.

He didn't notice when her moans became shrieks.

It was only when he released and pulled out that he saw her red and bloated eyes, caused by the tears that welled up and fell.

'Hey, you know you look prettier when you're not crying, princess.'

He gave her a comforting smile, wiping off the clotting blood on her with a thumb.

She returned the smile with a sniffle, and didn't catch him sucking his blood-caked fingernails behind her back, savoring the taste.



'Damn it, wait up, Nick!'

Nicholas laughed, swerving through the crowds in the square. To reach the new school, you had to pass a shit load of people, landmarks and an actual 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 to reach the odd location.

He slowed upon seeing the towering building made of pure glass and metal and his laughter died out when his eyes trailed to the enormous fence surrounding the compound, crackling with electricity.

Romulus reached him at last, huffing. Nicholas watched him glance at the massive school, fear creeping into his teal eyes. 'What the hell is this? You sure we're at the right place?'

'Do you see any other school around here? Of course it is, dumbass! Let's just get this over with.' He tried his usual way of hiding his panic with humour, and winced at the slight voice crack.

The whole place was swarming with people. There were those scuttling around like frightened bunnies, and those who sharpened actual knives with dangerous glints in their eyes.

There were only two large tables in the hall.The bunnies quite understandably kept to themselves, huddled together at a table. The murderer-like creeps sat at the other. It was chilling to see some look so beautiful, yet had the coldest looks of all.

Nicholas held Romulus's hand, both providing and seeking comfort. They took their places next to a frightened girl who scooted away immediately after a quick look at Nicholas.

'I told you not to wear your emo clothes,' Romulus whispered to him. Nicholas gave him a weak smile. It was not the right time to be chuckling.

A middle-aged man with whiskers that reminded Nicholas of a shrimp's walked out promptly. That didn't quiet down the loud chatting from the weirdo table.

The man ignored them, and began with a deep, gravelly voice,' Welcome to Tartarus,' Some snickers sounded,'My name is Devan Cooper. I am the headmaster of this school. You must call me Headmaster Cooper.'

'Self-righteous ass!' A snarky looking boy yelled out, recieving a high-five from his friend. Cooper acted as if nothing happened, and continued smoothly.

'You will be separated into two groups. I'm certain it's very clear how so.' He said dryly.

'Table 1, the Cerberus, will reside in Block A. Table 2, the Hydras, Block B.

' You will begin your education both together and separately in Block C, which is the one you are currently in.'

Block A was the glass tower. Block B resembled a prison more than a school, built with solid diamond and graphene, materials that were famous for being hard and strong.

Block C was a combination.

To Nicholas it was just a way for the school to flaunt it's riches.

Indeed there was a proud voice,'We're fucking rich!'

Cooper glared at the voice darkly, 'You are here because of your family's criminal record. It is nothing to boast about!' His voice had risen to an angry shout.

That sent the Hydra kids to uncontrollable laughter, and the headmaster's face had turned a deep shade of red.

It was hard not to feel sorry for the poor man. No amount of money could possibly recruit Nicholas as the principal of this nightmarish institute.

Soon after the Hydra kids were escorted to their block in chains. Nicholas' group was led in afterwards, a safe distance away.

Nicholas' sister was already a year in the school, and though he heard rumours of the place, the real deal was way under exaggerated.

For example, no one mentioned the man with mauled face and a baton behind the creepy kids.

Though Nicholas was certain there wasn't a man-eating three-headed rhino in a hidden staircase that ate passers-by.

Romulus clutched at Nicholas's hand like a frightened child, and Nicholas gave a reassuring squeeze to let him know that he wasn't alone.

Their first day was for settling down, and for that Nicholas was extremely grateful. There was no way he was ready to face the bunch of insane murderers and psychopaths yet.

'Rom, I'm gonna look for Bianca now. You want to come along?'

He shook his head with a small sniffle, and it was only then that he realised his best friend had been crying softly as well.

With a jolt he noticed the puffy, fear filled eyes of people around him. He wasn't the only frightened one in the room.

He gave Romulus a gentle pat on the shoulder before leaving.

Nicholas's sister should just be back from her most recent class.

As he went through the confusing maze of Block C, he slammed into the shoulder of a tall male with piercing emerald eyes and a thick sea salt scent. The blow sent Nicholas to the floor.

The male's blond hair was brushed back, creating a posh, polite look. His neat shirt and tie uniform gave Nicholas shivers. He was actually going to have to wear that shit tomorrow. But that only reinforced the male's gentlemanly look.

'You alright?' His voice distinctly carried a classy English accent. It was quite pleasant to listen to.

The male extended a hand towards Nicholas, kindness on his face.

But on that offering hand was a red wristband that sent electric shocks as a punishment when a Hydra committed an offense.

That was what clearly set a line between the threatening Hydras and the harmless Cerberus.

Nicholas took the hand nonetheless.

'I'm Euros.'The male said. In here, you weren't supposed to reveal your real name. If you did, the person you told could wield it like a weapon and destroy you single-handedly.

'Lucifer.' That chosen name felt strange and foreign on Nicholas's tongue now, and it painted his face beetroot.

He was just a small nobody in this school and no devil at all. That name should've went to the intimidating male before him.

His question was answered with a short quip from Euros,'Are you Angel's brother? She mentioned you when we were having a friendly chat.'

Stunned, Nicholas barely managed a stuttered 'Yes'.

Euros let out a low laugh. 'Want to come over to my room for a cup of tea?'

Mumbling an excuse Nicholas quickly dashed off.

He could still feel those piercing eyes stare into his back as he turned and left.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 29, 2020 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

#Psycho BxBTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon