Chapter 46

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"Okay. I don't know why you want me to do this. But here we go," I said. I poured some peroxide onto a cotton pad and took a deep breath. I quickly pressed it against my leg, and let out a loud ass scream that hurt my throat. My leg kept stinging even after I took it off.

"Fucking L, man," I hissed. It stopped stinging once I smeared Neosporin onto it. I looked up at the guys who were all staring at me, except for Sam who was driving.

"Dude, I fucking told you," I said. Jake rubbed his ears.

"You're like a fucking Banshee," Jake said.

"Not going to lie, that was pretty impressive," Corey said, yelling. His ears were totally ringing.

"Damn, woman," Colby said, quickly shaking his head back and forth like it would get rid of the pain he was probably feeling in his ears.

"Hey, you literally asked for it," I said.

"Corey, you're not allowed to ask for anything ever again," Sam said, handing him the earbuds he'd had in his ears.

"Boys will be boys," I said. Colby climbed back to sit by me again and took the gauze out of my hands.

"Let me do it," he said. He picked up my leg and set it on his lap. Trying not to hurt me, he gently wrapped the gauze around me.

"I appreciate the intention here, but it needs to be tight. Really tight. And I should have taken these fucking things off, already," I said. I reached down, unwrapped the small amount of gauze Colby had put around my leg, and ripped my fishnets. I kept ripping until there were two pieces, one from my shin up and another from above my boots and down.

"Hulk smash," said Jake.

"Hulk rip," I corrected. I took the gauze away from Colby and tightly wrapped my leg with it, ripping it off the rest of the roll with my mouth. "Tape," I said, holding my hand out.

Colby handed me a piece of medical tape he had ripped off and I fastened the end of the gauze to my leg.

"Thank you," I said, quickly leaning over and kissing him on the cheek. I put everything back into the bag and tied the top shut so we would be able to identify it faster among all the other identical Walmart bags.

"You know, if I had to guess, I would definitely not say that you work at a Chanel," said Corey.

"Yeah, well, I'm full of surprises," I said.

"You sure are," said Colby.

We pulled back up to the sanitarium building a little while later, and the guys all grabbed several grocery bags to take inside.

"I don't do second trips, but we have to do a second trip," said Jake.

"No we don't," I said. I opened up the cooler we'd bought and shoved the rest of the stuff in there. I reached out to Jake and took the six shopping bags he'd had distributed between his arms.

"There. Carry the cooler," I said.

"Mom energy. So much mom energy," Corey said, heading up the front steps. We made it back up to 666 and set everything down. Sam unloaded the cooler and dumped all of the ice in. He grabbed a Ziplock bag and put in a couple handfuls of ice, then wrapped it in two paper towels and handed it to me along with the roll of masking tape we'd gotten.

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