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"The fuck do you mean 'she's not the only one'?" Colby asked. Sam handed Colby his phone and I leaned against Colby to read the news article he pulled up. There was a picture at the top that someone had taken of me in the Hertz parking garage we'd been in while returning the car. I was facing Colby, my finger poking his chest with my fucked up face clearly visible. I'd been poking his chest because we were having a funny little argument about whether The Hunger Games or Divergent was better, but it looked like we were in a serious fight. I looked down at the article. Just one picture wouldn't inspire such a widespread thing.

The article was titled '#CancelColby'. Fuck. I looked further down the screen and read it.

"Last night, it was reported that nurse Vicky Allman was fired from her position as a nurse at a Boston emergency room due to patient misconduct. As an act of defiance to the company, Allman went on to release the medical files of one of the last patients she had treated. She posted a picture of the file on her Instagram account (@v1ckya11man4lyfe68) with the profane caption as follows:

"that #AtkinsAtChanel girl came into my work. didn't like her, but her bf colby brock was an even bigger dick than she was. hella controlling of her and bragging abt his youtube channel. he barely let her even talk, and she came in with an almost broken nose and two black eyes that hadn't darkened yet. her excuse when I asked what happened was total bs, too. fuck them both, and fuck boston state...,"

-Vicky Allman

(The company name has been excluded for privacy reasons.)

The post was deleted only 45 minutes after it was uploaded. However, Allman had almost 6,000 followers on the platform at the time of the post. While it remains unclear as to how many people actually saw the post before it was deleted, there have been overwhelming surges of reposts and retweets of both the image and caption.

Fans and spectators have seemed to move to the conclusion that the marks on model and influencer Vanessa Atkins' face, pictured above, are a result of domestic abuse.

There is no proof that the files posted are legitimate or accurate, but the couple has been spotted in Boston and have both posted pictures from a nearby town called Taunton. It is reported that Atkins and Brock were accompanied by fellow social media and YouTube stars Samuel Golbach, Jake Webber, and Corey Scherer.

No charges have been pressed at this time due to the lack of confirmation on the reliability of the files shared. Allman's claims are currently under investigation. If what she posted turns out to be the official documents they appear to be, Allman will face heavy charges for violation of patient confidentiality, and Brock will most likely be brought in for questioning by the LAPD.

There are no comments from Atkins, Brock, Golbach. Webber, or Scherer at this time."

I finished reading before Colby did and looked up at Sam, who was tapping his foot and chewing his nails. I didn't see the name of the website, but it obviously wasn't one of those shitty tabloids. It was a credible source.

"What... what do we do about this sort of thing? I don't know how any of this works. But this is a big deal," I said.

"Just say what happened," Jake said, looking up from reading the article on his own phone.

"I told Vicky what happened, and she clearly didn't believe me. And that girl thinks I'm just denying the whole thing because I'm scared of Colby or something," I said.

"Well, I know how to start helping," Jake said. He tapped on his phone for a minute and then held it out to me, showing the tweet he had just posted.

"Colby isn't an abusive dick. I literally kicked a brick into Nessa's face. It was an accident. Leave him alone. #AntiAllman."

"Jake, you did not just start that new hashtag," I sighed, handing his phone back.

"No, I'm on board with it," Corey said. "Just posted. It says 'imagine thinking Colby is abusive. #AntiAllman. And then three clown emojis."

"I'm not one to get into this kind of drama at all, but Vicky seriously crossed a line here. How does this sound: 'Plot twist: Nessa was busy saving Jake's life in a collapsing building and a brick hit her face'?" Sam asked, rubbing his chin in thought.

"Add the hashtag and tweet her out, brother," said Jake.

"What are you going to say, Nessa?" Corey asked.

"Oh, is it a good idea for me to do that? Since I'm the one involved? Like I said, I have no idea how this works," I said.

"Silence is saying something, too," Sam said.

"Fuck. Okay. I'm going to be nicer and more professional than you guys, though. Um," I said, thinking for a second. "What about this: 'accidents spark accusations till truths are told. #AntiAllman'?" I asked, typing as I spoke.

"Jesus, way better than ours," Sam said. I took a deep breath and posted it.

A/N: Go check out 'The Seven Deadly Sinners'! 

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