Chapter 2: Kaleb

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Kaleb is more like a player. I guess he is only a softie and suck up when it comes to independent women, like Kaylee. He adored Kaylee but didn't want to come on too much because, she is four years younger than him, and when your younger it weirder. Kaleb isn't a trouble maker believe it or not, he is pretty scared to get in trouble too. Does respect his elders but it comes down to if he likes you or not if your younger than him. He is very fit, super active, constantly playing basketball or soccer. He doesn't really like football so much, but his friends are football players.

He is pretty blunt too. Blunt is when your not afraid to speak your mind. He will tell you if he doesn't like something and be total serious about it, but only if he feels he needs too. More of an party animal and is understanding. He most likely one of the people that get stuck in the middle of a break up instead of part of the break up. He knows everything there is to dating also. He knows when it's time do something, when to go in for the kill. Kaleb also is very.. I guess he's smart too. He does average in school but passes. Very much a ladies man too. Anyways, back to the story.

Finally, the bus stopped! I knew that if I stopped rubbing her leg, she would be turned off. I knew she liked it, I suspected she would. I got up and let her go in front of me. "After you beautiful." I only let her go first for two reasons. One, I wanted to be a gentlemen, second, she had an ass on her. I bit my lip and rubbed my chin. She got off the bus and I did a pressure test on her while we were walking. I brushed my hand against hers but slow enough so she knew what I was doing. She didn't respond, so I slowly moved closer to her and wrapped my thumb around hers. Still no response. I then went in for the kill! I held her hand and opened the door for her.

"What's your first period?" She let go of my hand then pulled out her sheet. "Uhh.." She scanned it with her beautiful bright green eyes. Her freckles added on how gorgeous she was. "Math with Mr.Marshall." "That's where I'm heading, follow me" she put the paper back in her binder and then gripped my hand. She grabbed my hand! Her hands were so soft too. I walked her up to her locker so she could put her jacket in there along with her P.E. clothes. We went in class and she stood by the wall still holding my hand so I stood next to her. The thirty second bell rang so the teacher closed the door and went to the front of the class.

"Okay students, good morning and please stand against the wall." Everyone stood against the wall, "well then, let's get started." He grabbed a bulletin board and walked to the first six seats. "Michelle, Gabe, Rachelle, Tyson, Sarah, Zach" next four seats. "Sydney, Dominic, Andy, Luis" next six seats "Nadine-" he looked up as a taller, very slim and long blonde high lighted haired girl walked in with her binder in her arm slowly closing the door. "Mr.Marshall I am so sorry I'm late" she continued to persuade the teacher because the tardy bell had rung about five minutes ago. "Okay, your excused. Now sit down here" he walked over and placed his hand on the brown desk. She sat down. "Okay well, Kaleb you sit here, and Kaylee you sit next to him. Wow I had one really hot girl sitting next to me (Kaylee) and one that looked like a total slut. No one else sat in front of us.

He told everyone else where to sit then gave a fourty-five lecture on fractions and how to divide them with models or something. Class shortly ended and Kaylee was putting her things away in her binder when fucking Nadine puts her hand on my chest and her other on my pants leg. "You know," she whispered in my ear. ",I've always had something for guys in glasses" her hand slowly moved to my area when I saw Kaylees hand slap Nadine's. "Back off bitch, we all know your the local whore so fuck off" Holy shit Kaylee barley knows me and she stood up for me. "How about you fuck off, it's not like your dating him slut" Nadine glared at me. Kaylee then grabbed my hand and pulled me- no dragged me out of the room. "Didn't know you cared" she pulled me towards the bathrooms. " well your the only person I know so until I get new friends your my best friend." "Okay hottie" I bit my lip and was hoping she would be okay with what I was about to do.

We made it over to the bathrooms and she let go of my hand. I took advantage of the situation and pushed her against the wall and cupped the back of her neck while moving towards her neck. She quickly moved her hair out of the way and moved her head the opposite way giving me permission. I started to kiss her neck softly. My hot breath against her neck gave her shivers. I could feel her goosebumps on the back of her neck. I bit every once and awhile and licked a bit all the way up to her jaw line leaving sloppy kisses along there. She let out a breath. I smirked and moved down to her neck again making circles with my tongue. The bell rang and she pulled me closer. "No we gotta go to-" she cut me off by kissing me. Our lips melted together into one. Her lips were exactly like the inside of roses. I kissed back and bit her bottom lip softly, but playfully.

She then pulled away. "See you at lunch!" She said while putting her binder back in her arms then walking down the stairs. Oh my god that was amazing. Nadine walked around the corner and saw my lip my lips and walk in the bathroom. I needed to fix my hoodie don't judge. Nadine walked in. Oh fuck.. "What are you doing in here?" I said turning to her. "Let's just make this one a quickie." She quickly bent down and touched my pants. "Oh fuck no, get off me slut" I quickly grabbed my binder then left her there in the bathroom on the ground crouched.

OMGOD THAT WAS HARD. My boyfriend walked in like five times asking me to do shit so that took forever!! Chapter three is probably going to be Kaylee again, or Nadine either one so keep reading!!!!!

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