Chapter 3: Kaylee

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I nearly had a heart attack! That was so intense! I totally didn't think he would kiss me let alone kiss my neck! God he is so hot. That bitch Nadine tried and failed miserably to take him. It bothered me that she was hitting on him, it bothered me because she was a slut. Also because if I lose him I'll be alone and I really don't want to be alone. I got a glance at his sheet and saw we can see each other in class agin in seventh period but we could hang out during lunch and E.L.T. too. Anyways, since I still want to pass my first year I made it to class all the way downstairs on the other side of the building! I had my P.E. clothes cause I grabbed them before I pulled Kaleb to the bathrooms. P.E. went on for about an hour so the third period went on like a breeze.

Then fourth period came along and when I got in there were two really cute guys. I sit across from one named Parker and on the table next to me diagonal from my desk named Braiden. I asked Sydney the girl from first period to pass this note to Braiden. It only said hi I'm new can you show me around, you seem like someone I could trust;). He then wrote back and said I'm going to be leaving at sixth period but sure. Here's my number and if you need anything text me. Wow.. Didn't expect that. Anyways I pulled out my phone at silent reading and started texting him.
K: Heyy, where are you going at sixth period? Not trying to be creepy or anything:)
B: It's okay, I'm getting my passport. Anyways your the only girl in here that's actually interesting. Every1 else is all ugly or doesn't know how to flirt;)
K: Lol sorry but good to hear:/ Do you think it would be wrong if I said your hotter than anyone in here?
B: No actually, I appreciate the compliment. Maybe after class I could tell you one face to face ;P
K: I'm down!
B: Meet me by your locker. I saw you getting your books so no stalker XD
~ended conversation~
After class I put my phone away and walked to my locker to put my book away and meet him face to face.

"Heyy" "Haii" "So what's your next period?" "Still fourth period teacher." "Same" "So I actually thought about what to say to you because on your body there is so much that I could compliment on" he licked his lips then rubbed his hands together while scanning me. I kind of moved closer to him. Wow what a slut I'm becoming. "Well thanks," I brushed my finger against his abs. I could feel them through his shirt! ",your not to shabby yourself." I bit the corner of my bottom lip and scanned him too. He put his arms around my waist so I put mine around his neck. He moved in so I tilted my head and kissed him.

My kiss with Kaleb was awesome, but Braiden.. I nearly passed out. It was exactly like a dream. I knew he noticed how much I liked the kiss because he started to move down south a bit. I didn't mind. I rubbed my left hand on his chest and my right through his hair. His hair was so soft. All of a sudden, a red headed girl rips me off of him by grabbing my ponytail and pulls me behind her and tries to grab him when he pushed her off of him. "Oh my god Jessie get off! We're over!! Remember I dumped your ass three months ago?!?" He yelled at her while helping me up. I tightened my ponytail then faced her towards me then slapped her. "Don't fucking grab me bitch! I don't even know you!" She kicked me then started crying. "What the fuck Braiden how could you do that to me?! I love you!" "I got rid of you so stop following me!" He yelled then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the cafeteria.

"Heyy, I uhh have to have lunch with some friends" I said walking away. While turning the corner to the line I bumped into someone. "Owww" I dropped my binder and papers fell everywhere. "Ohh sorr-" he looked at me and cupped my cheek and kissed me. "What the fuck?!" I heard Kaleb yell. I pulled away and saw it was Parker. "I-I'm sorry.." He quickly walked off. "Yeah you better run you douche!" Kaleb picked up my papers and tried to hand them to me but I was dead still. I was so confused. I quickly snapped back to reality when I felt Kalebs hand on my arm. "S-sorry I was.. Thinking." I whispered out and slowly grabbed the papers from his hand. "Who the fuck is that guy?! He totally just saw you and kissed you!!" He sounded even angrier. "Just shut the fuck up for a minute!" I put the papers back in my binder and put them in my locker then pulled him into the girls bathroom. "Kaylee what the hell are we-" I shut him up by putting my finger to his lips and peired out of the stall. No one, perfect. I smiled a wide grin and shut the stall.

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