Chapter 29

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Lizzie captured his lips with her own, preserving the moment like their souls were bound to disappear.

"I don't walk away. Not from you," Sebastian whispered when she separated their lips but still held her forehead against his own. "I'm sorry," Lizzie apologized but Sebastian just shook hi head. "It's okay."


Next morning she laid on the rusty sofa at the Old Mill with Hope sitting by her side. Kind of like a therapist. "So... Something kind of happened yesterday."

Hope who had her eyes fixed on a book in her hands rose her eyebrow and secretly smiled. "Something huh?"

Lizzie realized what she must of meant and made a disgusted face. "God no. You and gremlin might have sealed the deal, doesn't mean I have to." Her friend burst out laughing and tossed a book in Lizzie's lap.

"Ha-ha. ¸What do I know, could of happened. The two of you- alone- at night-" Hope drifted off, making Lizzie role her eyes. She couldn't even have a normal conversation with her these days, her head was in the clouds completely.

"All I'm saying if you were to tell him you refuse to go to your house and are sleeping in the wild open, it might set the deed," Lizzie knew she was joking but it stung her. Not the part about having sex, but about her house.

She knew Josie was looking for her because she heard her call out her name. But Lizzie would always just make herself invisible, not able to reach out and ask for forgiveness.

She knew that the using the Imperium was a bad thing, and not only that but also deadly. And yet Lizzie couldn't help but think how much she enjoyed the power it allowed her to posses. 

"I have a day organised with Landon today, so I will be back tonight okay?" Lizzie nodded her head, still lost in thought and half hearing her.

Hope was in no means forced to be with her 24/7, Lizzie could manage something on her own. She laid in the warm grass, sun bathing her skin during these possibly last sunny days.

Nature seemed to calm her, relax her. Even maybe let her forget what she did. Who she was.

A monster.

A threat.

Even with Kai gone, she knew how much power siphoning him gave her, she will never use all of it no matter how hard she tried. His magic inside her felt too familiar and it scared her a bit. She wasn't supposed to be so alike with Kai.

He was a murderer and so much like literal devil. And yet when he made her do all those horrible things, before the collar she partly enjoyed it.

It made her sick to her stomach.

Lizzie rolled to her left side and found herself staring at someone's feet. Female feet, she realized and looked up.

Before her stood that mystery girl. "You," Lizzie said.

The girl sat next to her, smile on her face. "What, am I not allowed to have fun too?" Lizzie shrugged, feeling confused. Wasn't this person just a pure segment of her mind, her imagination. 

She wasn't real, not in flesh. Though she was know sitting before her, mimicking Lizzie's motions. "What's the deal with you?" Lizzie asked when another 5 minutes went by. The girl didn't respond but played in the pink flower in her hands.

She picked at it's paddles like that 'He loves me, loves me not' game. "Hello?" Lizzie said, poking her shoulder. But instead of going trough her like she was sure it would, the hand actually touched her.

Girl looked away from her flower and smiled. "My deal? I don't know. You needed company and there I was."

Strange, crossed trough Lizzie's mind. Girl tucked the string of her chestnut hair behind her ear as she stared back at Lizzie. The feeling of familiarity was driving her insane. She was sure she was supposed to know her name and who she was, yet she didn't.

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