Chapter 30

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The phone went off and Hope's expression went blank.

"Hope, what is it?" Landon asked, waving his hand in front of her face. "I think Clarke took Lizzie."


Sebastian laid on his couch, looking at the ceiling damaged by the fire. Fire she saved him from. Then a loud bang knocked him from his daydream. "Who is it?"

Hope burst into the room, evident worry in her eyes. "I looked everywhere and I couldn't find her, she's gone.. He must of taken her-" she rambled on, leaving Sebastian to put the pieces together. "Hope," he said, putting his hands on her shoulders. She breathed out, allowing herself to meet his gaze.

"He took her-" she repeated, still shaking. "Who? What happened?"

"Clarke. Clarke took Lizzie!" Hope practically screamed. A flash of her own death went trough her mind. She won't let anything even similar happening to her best friend. "Elizabeth..." came a response from Sebastian.

He's face was pale, blood drained from his cheeks. What Clarke did not just to him, but to Hope. He was probably now doing the same type of torture to Elizabeth. "I'm getting her back."

Hope nodded, pulling out a map of Mystic Falls. She placed something like a shirt between her fingers, doing a locator spell. A small black circle appeared at the same cemetery Sebastian was held at.

Clarke really had no imagination.

"I'm coming with you." Hope stated, holding his gaze. He considered it, he really did. But if something happened and they took Hope too.. "No, you go to the School. Let Josette and Dr. Saltzman know. I will handle Clarke."

Hope was resistant. This wasn't how her plan was supposed to go. She was to be the one to find Lizzie, but she guessed Sebastian was more possible of negotiating with the devil. So she nodded, adding: "Be careful" before she left.

Sebastian nodded, promising himself that no one else would be hurt by Clarke's hand. Especially not Elizabeth. If he swore to anything, it was that.

His feet heavy, he smashed open the doors to the crypt. "Clarke where is she?!" Sebastian shouted, pinning the guy against the wall. Clarke only laughed, bitterly at his face. 

Sebastian looked around, it was completely empty. Not even his experiments where there. 

"Sebastian, how nice of you to visit an old friend again."

"We are not friends."

Clarke cocked his head "No? I thought you working for me to kill the Mikaelson tribrid was a hint of friendship," he was provoking him. Sebastian knew that but yet it was tugging at his head. Like a mosquito.

"Tell me where she is," he commanded, pressing against his throat. The other man gasped for air, a smile still on his lips. "If you.. kill me.. you will never-" he coughed. Find her, Sebastian finished in his head.

As much as he hated to admit it, Clarke was right.

Sebastian stepped back, releasing him from his grasp. "Don't be bitter Sebastian. I'm sure she will be at peace once my guys carve out her pretty heart." Sebastian hissed as a response.

He didn't spend years controlling his anger to spiral out of control now. He hated this, hated Clarke. How was he ever going to draw the information out?

"I guess I could tell you her location if you did a little job for me," Clarke continues, his freaking lips twisting up even more. Sebastian didn't think it was possible. 

But was he ready to even hear him out? To listen to the person who technically killed Hope, tortured him... Not a chance, no.

"I am not doing anything for you Clarke," Sebastian barked, ready to strangle him as soon as Elizabeth was found.

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