General Update (mostly chair placement crap)

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Soo... If you haven't read my comments yet, you probably don't know about how chair placements went.  I'll describe how it went that day, then elaborate on what I got, and how I feel about it...

Basically, we would play blindly to one of the three music teachers, (they sat with their backs to us)and an upperclassman sat in the room, and wrote our names down in order.

We had to play a chromatic scale starting on concert F (G for trumpets) and go up to the top note of the B Flat scale (a trumpet C above middle C). I had never learned how to play one before hand, so I practiced EVERY DAY after conditioning, and used up basically ALL of my free time doing so.

The second thing we had to play for them was a part from our new music, but we wouldn't know what it was until we started auditioning. I practiced for a solid week and a half, making sure to hit all of the difficult parts.

And... What did Mr. J pick? Well, none other than one of the EASIEST parts that I hadn't even looked at.

I stalled for as long as I could've, mostly just because I felt I wasn't ready. Eventually, they made me go.

When I walked in, the person writing names down was Matt, the trombonist with the "MUSKIAN" sweatshirt. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go check out a previous update) Anyway, him listening to me made me feel twice as nervous, just because he is one of the best musicians in the school, if not our town.

So, I took a deep breath, and played both of the things. I did better than I ever have on the scale, and I also did pretty decent on the music part too.

As I walked out of the choir room, Matt whispered something to me really quick. I'll try to get it quoted the best I can:

"Great Fluting job, wildfire! That was really good! I think you did better than Cora!"

I was SHOCKED! Hearing something like that come from a talented senior is a HUGE DEAL. (especially for a freshman like me)

So, Mr. J made us wait an agonizing week to break the news to us. Turns out.....

I'm second chair! (Hayley is first) then it goes:


Nathan K (Another freshman on first part!)

Then the seconds. (Mr. J arranged it so the firsts are in the middle of the 2nds and 3rds, so I'm sitting by a lot of these people)


Bob (My trumpet dad)

Nathan H (a senior)

Allison (she should've been third part)

and Trevan.

The thirds go like this:





Noah A


Justin!!!! (Last chair, he deserved it)

So, you must think I'm thrilled. Wow! A freshman on second chair, beat out four seniors!

That's... not the case.

I am really proud that my hard work paid off, but I feel so bad that I could've ruined four seniors' senior year. I really wanted to be close to that group, but now I have a feeling that they hate me, especially Cora. (Not really Bob tho, he is pretty proud of me)

Hayley, on the other hand, is super proud of me. Aparrantly, the same thing happened to her, but only her sophomore year with a girl named Geri. Soo, I'm not alone, but I still kinda am.

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