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Witcher, Freak, Mutant...
95 though he looks 30
School of the Griffin
Fen is a well built man, he has to be in his line of work. His build is muscular, almost resembling a bear though without the fat. He has toned muscles, a thin ish waist and strong legs. His hands are calloused and rough. He has chestnut hair cropped closely at the sides and back, but thick on the top of his head. He has a cropped beard to match with it. His deep set eyes are yellow and cat like, the pupils thin whenever they're in light but turn round and large so he can see in the dark.
He has many, many scars. Two long gashes mark his left side, three long claw marks stretch across his back, the right side of his chest has a big gash as well. He has a scar running across the bridge of his nose to his left cheek, his has a lip scar, a thin scar running along his right cheekbone, and a bite wound on his leg. He has a long scar running up his fore arm.
Fen is a realist. He doesn't delude himself with idealistic fantasies or illusions. He sees the world as it is and not as it should be. And he survives. This might make him look pessimistic or grumpy, but really he'd rather expect little than be disappointed.
He prefers to remain neutral in conflicts, after all he is a Witcher, and he doesn't give his loyalty to any one country. He mainly remains loyal to himself, though he does look after his friends.
Fen is also pretty introverted. He's private and doesn't invite others into his business or life. In fact it seems he prefers to be alone. He doesn't work well with others. He doesn't like to be the center of attention or in the middle of crowds. In a party you'll find him to the side and out of the way.
He's very down to earth and doesn't like to rely on anyone else for anything. He'd rather do things himself because he trusts his own hands better than most people. He isn't afraid to get his hands dirty.

He is fair though, and doesn't hunt non humans that aren't actually doing anything wrong. He actually believes some non humans are better than humans anyway and has befriended friendly trolls, dopplers, and even some sylvans. In the end though, he is a Witcher. He'll try to milk a person of their money when working out a particularly difficult contract.
Like most Griffins he practices a bit of classic knightly values, he'll help those in need, particularly children, and he does have honor.

He may seem apathetic at times, after all he's a Witcher, his emotions were dulled by the Trial of the Grasses. He also gives off an air of indifference and lack of interest. He may also be stern, gruff, and rude. Though he can be diplomatic when he wants to be, he's also very stubborn and unfriendly to new or annoying folks.
- Heights
- Infection
- The Trial of the Grasses

Fen was born to a farming family. He had two older brothers and a sister. He was born after his father left for war and grew up without him. He liked it well enough on the farm, he was strong and tough so the work was never too hard for him.
He grew to be eight before his father returned, he was very eager to meet the man who his mother loved so much. His happiness was short lived. His father had faced difficulties as he came home, and had been set upon by a pack of ghouls. He faced death, overwhelmed by the hungry necrophages, but he'd been pulled from the brink by a mysterious savior who had heard his cries and come to investigate.
Having nothing to offer, the man had claimed the Law of Surprise, Fen's father was to give him that what he did not expect when he went home. They traveled together to the farmstead, where Fen's father was surprised to see his youngest son. He hadn't known his wife was pregnant before he left!
Fen was given to the man who he found out to be a Witcher. He was taken away, yelling and screaming for his mother, to Kaer Seren, the school of the Griffin Witchers.
He was the only trainee at the time, and was taught to fight, to hunt, to be a Witcher. When he turned fourteen he was put through the Trial of the Grasses, a horrible experience that granted him his super human senses and reflexes.
He grew up with the witchers until he was old enough to go out on his own and search for jobs and monsters to hunt.
Revelry - Andalusian Stallion

 COUNTRY OF ORIGINKovirPETS/MOUNTS Revelry - Andalusian Stallion

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