Chapter One

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"Since you're head boy, I must ask a large favor from you." The old man with a long white hair and a beard to match stands behind an old wooden desk.
On the other side of the desk is a young man with freckles and red hair. "I would be more then happy to help you, Professor. You couldn't have asked for a better man!" The young man is beaming with his chest puffed out, in pride.
I'm glad. Now, the task at hand is well," the old man walks around the desk, gesturing for the red-head to follow.
"There is a young lady, she's in the same year as your youngest brother. She's extremely shy, and almost never attends class. I would like you to help her this week, get to know her." The young man looks at the professor, perplexed.
"You want me to be her friend?" The two leave the old man's office.
"In short, yes, I want you to become her friend. I believe that you will have a good influence on her, and you might just learn a thing or two from her as well." The pair climb the marble staircase.
"What house is she in? She can't be a Gryffindor, I personally make sure that the Gryffindor attendance is flawless." Up they go, until they reach the seventh floor with the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy teaching trolls ballet. "This is the hall where the Room of Requirements is said to be?"
"She doesn't trust people easily and tends to spend her time here, by herself." The old man begins to walk away, but before he gets too far. He pauses, looks back at the head boy, "oh, and try not to stare, she's quite self-conscious."

"Hello? Anyone in here? Professor Dumbledore sent me." The red-haired head boy closes the door carefully behind him.
Taking a look around the room, his eyes widen as he's in a small bedroom with white everythings.
Laying on the bed, apparently asleep is a small, thin girl with almost deathly white skin. She doesn't even look like she knows what sunlight is.
"You can stop staring." She sits up, her eyes red and puffy like she had been she had been crying for hours. The shade of blue from her eyes would be stunning if they held the light of life, but they are void of all life.
The most vibrant thing about the starved girl is her long blue hair that's been pulled back into a ponytail with a braid spiraling around it. Freckles decorate her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.
"Pleased to meet you, I'm Percy, head boy. And, you are?" The boy named Percy holds his hand for the girl to shake. Instead, she just stares at it, "why do you care?"
The girl stands up revealing long thin legs, covered in bandages.
"Why wouldn't I care?" The girl looks up at him slowly.
"You don't know me, I bet you don't even know what house I'm in, nor that you knew of my existence before Headmaster Dumbledore said anything."
At the cuffs and collar of her oversized black button up are more bandages peeking out. "You can stop staring."
Percy turns pink when the small girl points out that he's been staring. "Y-your na-name?" He stutters, looking away from the girl.
"Just go away." She slowly crosses the room, sitting back down at the pristine white desk.
"When was the last time you ate?"
"Please leave me alone."
"Dumbledore wants me to be your friend, now, I am head boy, and your gonna... Gonna..." He stops mid sentence when he hears a quiet whimper, looking more closely he sees her shaking.
"Hey, what's wrong? Why're you crying?" Percy gently steps closer to the crying girl before him.
"I'm fine..." She coughs, red speckles the white desk.
"Come with me" Percy, hoping she's as light as she looks, picks her up, noting the crimson dripping from her pale chin.
"No, please! Let me go!" The sickly girl protests, but Percy ignores her.
Out of the room, through the corridor, and down several flights of stairs. Passing many students, who are suddenly curious as to why Percy of all people would be running down the hall at top speed with a girl (whom they have never seen before) in his arms.
Down the marble staircase, past ghosts, teachers, and more students, finally he slows down to open the doors of the hospital wing.
"Madame Pomfrey!" He shouts as the girl coughs up more blood. An older witch with a long set of red robes and a white apron comes running out.
"What's wrong?"
She guides Percy to a small white bed, in which he lays the fragile girl down on.
"Percy, please go get her head of house and Professor Dumbledore. Hurry." Percy just looks up at her.
"Who's her head of house?"
"Who else would be Miss. Grimm's head of house? She's a Slytherin isn't she? Now go! This is quite urgent, Mr. Weasley."
Perplexed about how this Grimm girl could possibly be a Slytherin, he's about to ask Madame Pomfrey about how she's not in... Well, any other house, when the Grimm girl coughs up thick black-red blood.
He rushes back out of the double doors, disappearing as the doors close behind him. While he's gone, Madame Pomfrey begins examining the girl as she falls unconscious.
A few moments later Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Snape come rushing into the hospital wing with Percy hot on their trail.
"Poppy? Any idea as to what's wrong with Miss. Grimm?" The headmaster asks as the girls head of house and potions master takes a look at the comatose student.
"Her burn scars are opening back up. As well as her throat being red and swollen, so she's been throwing up and coughing quite a bit. She looks like she hasn't sleep in ages." The nurse looks back at her with worried eyes.
"She'll die if we don't do something soon," says Professor Snape sullenly. He may not show it but even the heartless teacher is worried about his dying student.
"Should I send an owl to her parents for you, headmaster?" Percy pipes up, only to be met with sad gazes.
"N-no! Daddy, please! Don't!" The pale girl cries out in her unconscious state. Everyone turns to her with concerned looks. "She's an orphan." Dumbledore says quietly.
"Severus, send word to St. Mungos, that we need them to take a student, if you would. Poppy, do what you can for her. Oh, and Percy, would you like to go with her? I can inform your family if you wish." Dumbledore gives out instructions, Severus rushes out of the wing. Madame Pomfrey waves her wand and the girl is in a green and silver dressing gown, laying on top of her is a thick white blanket.
"What about my classes?"
"You'll be excused from all classes and I will have notes on what you missed sent to you at the hospital."
"I'll go pack a bag and inform my family." With one last look at Miss. Grimm, he leaves the infirmary, going up to the Gryffindor tower.

When Percy steps through the portrait hole into the cozy common room he gets bombarded with students asking what's going on, who was that he was carrying, and was she okay?
"That is none of your concern, if the teachers wish to tell you, they will. Yes, she is okay, and no you may not know who she is. Now, if you please, I need to go to my dorm." With an air of authority, Percy pushes past the crowd who's trying to ask him more questions.
" If the Weasleys could meet me in the owlery in thirty minutes!" He shouts to his family from the top of the stairwell leading off to the boys dormatories.

Meanwhile, in the hospital wing, several healers are looking over the girl with great concern and curiosity. Murmured comments are made to themselves and each other. The healers from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries want to make sure she's stable before taking her away. Once they confirm her stability, they need to decide the safest was to transport her to London. It would be much too dangerous to apperate with her. Floo powder obviously just wouldn't work very well. No, they have a special carriage that is specially made for emergency cases, and this is one case where they will need it. Three healers and Percy will travel with her. Percy has already informed his parents, explaining the situation. Headmaster Dumbledore will meet them there, as well as Professor Snape, who is her head of house. The pair will be taking turns being in charge of Miss. Grimm's care.

Author-chan here!
So I hope you all like it, if not you can leave.
To those who are still here and enjoyed this chapter, there will be more. I'm already working on chapter two and will be posting it when I'm done. I am writing it in a notebook then typing it on here as I finish the chapters so it may take me a while to actually post the chapter.
Anyways have a good night/evening/afternoon/morning/whatever time it is for you.

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