Chapter Two

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On the second floor of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, is a small room with five people, two healers, and a small sickly girl.
The healers are running every test possible. A few have suggested muggle illnesses, stumped they agreed to let a healer with a muggle medical doctorate have a go at the mysterious illness.
While the healer runs his tests, the five visitors talk amongst themselves.
"How did she get so sick? I thought you were taking care of our kids, Albus?" Molly Weasley asks with tear filled eyes.
"Miss. Grimm's case is an unusual one. What I'm about to tell you must not leave this room." Percy and his parents, Molly and Arthur Weasley look to Dumbledore and Snape.
"Miss. Grimm is an American girl who died. She was killed in a fire by her father. When she died she was given a second chance. This. This is her second chance. She has a past of horrors. She lives in fear, not knowing who to trust. She doesn't understand love or friendship. She doesn't remember what a real family is. I cannot tell you anymore for it is her story to tell when she is ready. Percy, I asked you to be her friend to help her heal and learn to trust others. Can I still count on you?"
"Of course, Headmaster." 

A few days later the young healer comes back into the room with a long, thin vial of thick milk like sludge. "The other healers and I believe that we have found a cure." As he explains the purpose of this potion, an older brick like woman brings a cup containing an amber liquid, red vaper forming a low mist over the surface, and pouring to the floor before disappearing.
"This one is called Spiritus Vitae, this should bring her back to conciousness." He takes the second potion from the witch.
"Would someone mind opening her mouth and tipping her head back?" Percy jumps up at once, gently lifting her head back, and carefully parting her deathly pale lips. The young healer is careful to make sure she gets every drop of Fame Pereo(the starving potion). He waits a few moments, waiting for the potion to take effect. A couple minutes go by and that's when they notice Miss. Grimm's cheeks filling out. Her whole body starts to fill out to a much healthier size, she's still very skinny but she's a much healthier size. She grows a few more inches in height, her complexion brightens quite a bit as the color invades the once pale and hollow cheeks. 
"Beautiful," Percy whispers, stunned at the transformation from severely undernutritioned to just slightly underweight. "Now she'll need to take half a dose twice a month until she starts eating on her own again," the healer nods to the two professors. 
"If you would." The wizard guestures to Percy to hold her again. "Get ready to wake up, Miss. Grimm." The wizard doctor chuckles to the sleeping girl. Slowly the amber liquid is lost in the red vapor as it trickles past her lips, into her mouth and down her throat. Little by little her heartbeat becomes faster and stronger as her breathing also deepens. Soon every drop has disappeared in to the comatose girl's mouth. The five people and the healer wait in suspense when after a few minutes movement under her eyelids can be noticed. Her lips part on their own and a gasp escapes. 
"Miss. Grimm?" Professor Snape asks as the girl with an odd air of gentleness to his normally gruff, forboding voice. 
Gently and slowly the sleeping girl's eyes flutter lightly open. "Where am I," she asks quietly, scared that her father is there to hurt her again.
"Can you tell us your name?" Asks the healer quietly. 
"And your last name?"
"Grimm, who are you? Where am I? Please don't tell HIM!" She starts to panic. Fear creeps over her like chunks of ice over a waterfall. Her body starts to shake, tears well up in her eyes and stream down her cheeks in crystal rivers. "PLEASE! No! Please, please don't let him find me. 
She begins to scream, her heart racing and her eyes wide in fear.
"Miss. Grimm! Calm down, no one here is going to hurt you or let you get hurt." The young healer attemps to calm the screaming girl. Percy and his parents, unsure of what to do to help,  stares back at her helplessly. 
Molly, being a mother, gets up and sits down on the bed beside her. "Treasure-Rose? My name is Molly, I 'm Percy's mother." Treasure-Rose looks at her with fear deeply set in her broken heart. Molly reaches out to her in a way that only a loving mother can, pulling the blue-haired girl into a warm, caring, and nurturing embrace. 
It had been so long since she felt a mother's love, Treasure-Rose Grimm cried. Not tears of fear and saddness, but instead tears of few sweet memories of her mother. A mother who died so long ago. A mother whose death changed everything. A death that turned a happy life into a brutal nightmare.
"No one is going to hurt you. We're here to help you." Treasure-Rose shyly moves away from Mrs. Weasley.
"Whe-where am I?"
"You're at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries."
"Who are you?" She recognizes the two proffessors. It's the healer and the three ginger haired people that she's not sure about.
"I'm Joseph, a healer here. We're going to run a few more tests, then we'll release you. You may experience slight nausea followed by extreme hunger. Just go ahead and eat. Weight gain should be expected . But, I must say, if it wasn't for the young Mr. Weasley, you would have died." He pats Percy on the shoulder. Percy smiles with pride, this would look great when he goes to work at the Minsistry of Magic. 
Treasure-Rose looks up at him with terrified curiosity washing over her doll-like features.

Why? Why would someone like HIM save something at pathetic as HER?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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