Chapter 2-Meeting Zylan

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Hope you like the chapter before even if it was short. Anyway enjoy this one!!!

Chapter 2 :

When i arrived at Holmes Chapel School (i dont know if it exist or not) i spot my best friend

"Hey Kamelia" i wave at her and she wave bac. I really love Kamelia in a friendship way cuz she loves me for who i am and not for all my money.

"Hello Kanitha, how are you today?" she ask me in a british accent.

"I'm good you?"

"Yeah pretty good too" so we kept talking about our summer and some random stuff. Suddenly, a deep voice was heard behind me.

"Hey slut what are you doing?" i knew it was Harry and his mates cuz they are the only one talks to me this way.

Kam give me an apologic smile and i just smiled at her.

"What do you want Harry dont you see i'm occupied?!" i snap at him while facing him. Has was shock by my suddenly outburst but he was quick to reply.

"Dont you dare talk to like that or else!"

"Or else what Harry huh?" i question him while there a bunch of oooh's from his mates.

"Or else you gonna be in big shit UNDERSTAND!?!" he yell the last part at me.

Some people heard so turned around to see what was happening. He smirk and walk away with his mates when he saw fearness in my face but not before bumping in my shoulder. Everyone return to what they were doing. I turned around to see the same expression as me on Kam's face.

"Oh my god what have i done?!" i ask while standing in front of her.

"I dont now is the first time i saw you talk like that to him and i'm impress with you but you're in deep shit gurl" she said giggling but i just glare at her and she immediatly stop.

"Sorry Kanitha i'm just really shock at what you just did"

"I'm shocked too but help me please" i said and she was in deep thoughts.

"I dont know what to do Kaniboo i'-"


She was cut off by the bell.

"Stupid bell" i tought to myself. So she went to her class but not before taking a glance at me one more time.

"i'm so sorry love" and then she disapeared. I grab my stuff and went to my class wich is English.

I took a seat at the very end of the class and wait for the rest to come in and the teacher. When i saw Harry and Louis come in i couldnt help but let out a groan of annoyance.

"Why are they everywhere i go" i whisper to myself. While i was taking out my stuff i notice a guy sit next to me.

I think he is new cuz i never saw him before.

"Hi i'm Kanitha Honn-Khun and you are....." i said extending my hand for him to shake and waiting for him to say his name.

"Zylan Valley and nice to meet you" he said while shaking my hand and smiling.

"Nice to meet you too" i say and he nodded.

"Do you want to meet us my best friend Kamelia and I at the break?" i ask him when he was finally set.

"Yeah sure i'd love to"

"Ok so meet me outside in front of the school, yeah?"

"ok sure".

The class went very slowly and it was so boring but i keep listening to what the teacher was saying. But sometimes i feel like someone is watching me from my right. So i turned my head to my right and saw that it was Harry who keep giving glares. So i just shrug it off and returned to listening to Ms.Palim who was talking about good manners or something like that.


When the bell ring i quickly threw my stuff in my bag and went to my locker. When i arrived Kam was already there cuz our locker were next to each other

"Hey Kam how was your class?"

"It was so boring and it went to slow for my liking and i was in math" she sigh said i giggle

"And you??" she ask me while i was placing my stuff in my locker

"Same as you but i was in english and i met a new guy" i said and she wiggle her eyebrows.

"It's just a friend" i smile but then a frown appear itself on my face.

"But something strange happen with Harry"

"What happen with Harry?"

"He kept giving me glares and i dont know even why!" i exclaim. She gives me a 'Wtf' look.

"Yah thats really weird anyways i want to meet your 'friend' " she said and i juste roll my eyes

"Ok let's go he's waiting outside"

"Ok leggo!"

i laugh as we went outside i saw Zylan and wave at him and he wave back.

"He's cute" Kam whisper in my ear loud enough for me to hear

"Yeah if you say so but he's not my type anyway" i state and she roll her blue eyes.

"Hey Zy thats Kamelia Shine, my best friend"

"But you can call me Kam" she wink and extend her hand for him to shake. I just roll my my eyes while he chuckle. He gladly took it and shake it.

"I'm Zylan Valley and nice to meet you Kam"

"Nice to meet you too" she said smiling widely.

"So tell us about yourself Zy" i ask and he hesitate a little bit but nod.

"Ok so my full name is Zylan Max Valley, i'm American thats why i dont have a british accent, i moved here about a month ago, i love Asian and Italian food, My favorite colour is blue, i play the guitar and the drums and i'm........" he stop looking super worried.

"You're what Zy?? You can tell us we're not gonna judge you trust me" i said while Kam just nodded in response and look at him. "I-I'm.............


CLIFFHANGER!!!!! haha ok so next chapter! i'm so evil XD

-Kanitha xx

if you wanna follow me my username on Twitter is: @KanithaHonnKhun and go follow that person if you love and support one direction @Love1DBoyss

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