CHAPTER Ⅳ - the stalker

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Did you just throw that at me?
he asked rhetorically; giving me a deathly stare after the white pillow was thrown at his tall somewhat humanoid body, which I had been targeting before.

I nodded in response, trying not to grin out of triumph.

young lady, get done already.
I heard him say; my eyes rolling instantly. right after i gave up my unwillingness and got over to the brown old closet, I gave the demon a meaningful serious look over my shoulder.


turn around.
I said and waited for him to follow my command, somehow he seemed irritated, but he didn't refuse.

I will never know, if he actually did peek. nevertheless i changed my -way too oversized- black "Nirvana" shirt into a dark blue dress; covering my weak arms; reaching down nearly to my knees, where it covered some of the bruises on my skin.

I turned around; so did he.

did you sneak a peek?
I asked, with my eyes turning to suspicious tiny slits. he only shook his head, before I went to the door and opened it for myself. on principle I was shutting it right in front of his surprised face.

satisfied, i went downstairs only for him to wait for me at the last step. my facial expression changed immediately. however I couldn't talk to the nameless thing beside me, since my father all of the sudden appeared in front of us and apparently I'm the only one who has to see the horrible face of that frustrating demon, which seemed to have disappeared now anyways.

instead of a good morning I got a lecture on how disappointed he was over my behavior the past day; neither did I listen nor did I care. but I recognized him lifting his dirty hand slowly; but something seemed to stop him this time.

I didn't questioned what had happened, as an alternative I just left.

on my way to work i felt a huge uneasiness and an uncomfortable feeling of being watched. I turned my head around now and then, but there was no one in sight. I was alone, right? I gulped in fear of whatever might followed me.

I tried to ignore the unpleasant feeling of not being alone. but barely audible I noticed little steps behind me. without any warning I stood still and turned around.

Leave me alone!
I yelled at my strange persecutor.

as soon as I opened my eyes I saw no one; I had to look down to see who was guilty. a black cat.

I felt sorry for yelling; kneeling down I petted the curious cat for an insignificant moment.

it kept following me, I tried to frighten it away several times; it didn't wanted to leave. I sighed.

you can't come in
I tried to explain; as if the black furry thing in front of my feet would understand.

of course it didn't, so I had to sneak the cat in. as soon as we were safe I turned around for a second.

what should I do with y-
it was gone. where is the cat? I panicked, where did it went? It's gonna get me in trouble.

Where is the idiot?
I mumbled hysterically.

I'm here.
the demon - showing up behind me - said.

surprisingly enough, i'm not talking about you this time.
my eyes on him; I inspected his gruesome face.

a really strange thought suddenly crossed my mind. I was really longing to know; did he stalk me? did he follow me? can he shape shift?

You like me, don't you?
he asked unexpectedly; with a smile on his lips.

I feel nothing for you. Absolutely nothing!
I told him and growled quietly.

Is that so?
his tone was amused, which only irritated me more.

Yep nothing
I repeated.

he took one step towards me with this smirk on his face. I swallowed, refusing to back up. he laughed at my discomfort.

relax little one, i'm not going to jump you.
that relieved me somewhat, until he added,
not until you ask me to anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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