the Sentencing of State Capitalism/Socialism

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Anarchy went to Tankie's sentencing.

What, was someone gonna stop qim? Other that qis pride?

Ana moved to the back row of a food court in a small mall that had "COURT" hastily written on the front door and sat next to the Orthodox Marxism. They were hunched over a Des Capital, once in a while taking out a highlighter and marking passages until they noticed qim.

"Oh, Anarchy! Uh, Socialism told me that you would stay home?" they said or asked.
But Anarchy had an rebuttal: "One of the core beliefs of anarchism is free movement of people, the ability to go wherever you want without having to explain yourself to anyone. 
In other words, nonya."
In other OTHER words, qi didn't know qimself.

Marxism laughed a bit awkwardly, pushed their glasses slightly up, and continued reading.

Ana rested qis bat on the fruit aisle that had been repurposed as a long chair. The mention of Socialism had made qim nervous. Call qim paranoid, but Anarchy was getting the vibe that Socialism was suspicious of the more extreme one and qis former friendship. But it might be paranoia. 
Time to do a Direct Action to find out!

"So what else did Socialism tell you?"
"Uhh,    ooonly that    you would not be  coming why would you ask did you exchange secrets or something?"
"Oh, we just had some drugs, you know how info goes then."

Marxism had never done drugs.

"Socialism did drugs?"
"No, I did. You want some?" Qi still had a bit of grass left, as well as some powder even qi could not identify.

Marxism looked quickly from side to side, and shook their head: "you know that they are planning on making them illegal? Well, some of them, weed will remain from what I've heard, but, you know"
"Oh, not in the anarchy zone, that's for sure."
"Oh, c-cool."

"Attention, everyone," Socialism called, as the new Centrism, "we will begin the sentencing of Authoritarianism, or as he was formerly known, Authoritarian Left. Bring the accused to the witness stand."

Socialism crawled down from the flour shelf and Ana could hear the mumbling and quiet shouting in from the audience as Leninism was dragging Tankie into the big hall.
Ouch, the choice of the prison keeper must have hurt.

Tankie was as authoritative as ever, his shoulder held back and posture straight. His face was full of anger, but the controlled kind. He moved like he wanted to climb to the top of the old jewelry stand, not like he had a gun held to his neck. In short, Tankie looked like a dictator, like an authoritarian. 
He surveyed each face in the audience, betraying no emotions. Ana wasn't wearing qis green hoodie, having switched it for a black-and-red one, so qi wasn't really worried that qi would be recognized.

In that moment it was REALLY easy to hate Tankie. He LOOKED like a tratour, like someone with no remorse or guilt. But.. ugh.
Anarchy smashed qis head into the weird white powder™

"We begin with the prosecution of Authoritarianism. Everyone present in this room today who would like to have a say in the decision, shout ay!"
A strong AY! was shouted, with Anarchy quietly repeating it half a second later.
"Authoritarianism," Socialism, as that day's speaker, continued, "you are being charged as a tratour, an enemy of socialism and a damaging ideology. Would you agree to these charges?"


"You can speak English and we both know it."
"These charges are vabricated and ve all knov it."
"Then prove it at the presence of the court!"


"Did you work with right wing ideologies?"


"ANSWER THE QUESTION, YOU STALINIST!" Leninism shouted, rattling his gun.
Marxism whistled.

Tankie's face scrunched, but he relented: "Да."

"Did you bring you troops to fight against us in the war?"
"And do you advocate for a dictatorship and support the Soviet Union?"
"Then you have agreed to all of your charges. Does the court want him retired?"
A strong AY!
"In that case- Leninism, take him to retirement home."

Kind of a creepy name to give to an execution spot?

"What, no! Нет!" Tankie shouted, his facade cracking. He looked around the room with panic in his eyes, looking for one face who would support him. 
Ana looked at him with mild interest. It was somewhat easy to pretend that qi was not even there, that qi was just a ghost looking at the world of the living. 
Ah, and there goes qis old friend do his doom. How interesting. Shame he couldn't do anything.

But Anarchy was not just a ghost, as Tankie made eye contact with qim. Shit.
"ANARKITTY! Пожалуйста, please help me, I-"
Leninism stuck the gun to Tankies mouth, hissing "Shut. UP!"

Oh, no, this felt.. bad. Having rarely seen Tankie as anything else than calm and collected, this display felt perverse, like the bourgie caring about a worker or a rich white cis man understanding how gender works. It goes against the natural order!

Ana patted Marxism's knee, said: "I'm going to do something stupid," and stood up. Well, qi tried to, but qi wobbled from side to side a bit.

Everyone turned to qim.

And qi had no plans on what to say.

Socialism sighed and Marxism's eyebrows went up from behind their glasses.

"Isn't it, ugh, excuse me," qi vomited on the ground a real quick, "isn't it bad to retire a fellow leftist? A fellow socialist and communist and.. left winger?"
Crickets could be heard, or maybe Ana was having auditory hallucinations.

Someone mumbled something from the audience.
"Please repeat!" said Socialism.
A bit louder, that someone restated: "I mean, he's the personification of Soviet Union, right? And that was State Capitalism! So.. he's technically a capitalist!"
Ana heard "yeah"s and "they're right"s from the audience.

Tankie pulled their mouth away from the gun and trashed: "It vas State Socialism you козел! People could vot-"
"It was a dictatorship!" Anti-Authoritarianism shouted with other voices joining her growl.

Socialism groaned, probably feeling like the only sane man, and couched to get people attention.
"It indeed does NOT matter, what his political placement truly is- Apolitical is alive, after all. What MATTERS is that you have worked with the enemy, Authoritarianism."

Socialism turned fully towards Tankie, looking just as, if not more, authoritative, even though he was much less muscled and not as tall.

"That makes you a friend of the enemy, it means that you would work with them and that means that you could want to unretire them. And that makes you a security risk."
"But I von't!"
"Can we trust you?"

Oh, so it's a question of trust. Anarchism wobbled qis head, making today's second bad decision like it was nothing, and shouted: "I'll be responsible for him!"

"Anarchy, you're high," Socialism said.
"No, no, I'm serious!" Ana's brain was shouting that it's a great idea! Or maybe it was just shouting. "Like, you don't trust him, but you do trust me, right?"

Socialism's face was the definition of press X to doubt. Leninism's was so shocked he forgot to hold the gun up. And Tankie looked twofold: like he couldn't believe his ears and yet relieved.

"Oh, that's a great idea! Let's make Anarchy the guarantor!" Trotskyism shouted, and soon some AY!s followed.

Socialism looked a bit down and to the left, breather sharply in, and returned his face to the normalcy.
"Alright. Anarcho Communist, to you vow to take the full moral responsibility of State-Capitalism" -who started to trash again but Leninism pulled him down- "when it comes to reviewing retired right wing ideologies?"

Yeah, sure, Ana thought. But before they could voice that their legs gave up and they fell to the concrete floor, losing consciousness.

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