press h to feel love

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Tankie was starting to feel tipsy, which felt impossible considering kulak's water-to-alcohol ratio.

"And then I said: 'I eat brains for breakfast!' and bashed his bastard scull in!"

The same couldn't be said for Anarchism though, who had seemingly earned the kulak's good graces and had gotten the resulting pure(er) drinks.

"That one-liner made made нетo sense, Anarkitty, none at all. Wasn't he talking about "The Bell Curve" before that?"

"Yeah but like IQ would be stored in brains if it was real! Also, he was like TOTALLY destroyed by that insult."

Commie laughed quietly: "you killed him, Anarkitty."

"Yeah, he was totally destroyed!"

The smaller anarchist threw qimself on the sofa, taking most of it. "Hey, can I go kinda personal here?"

Commie moved a bit closer to Anarchy, hovering his hand over qis shoulder before deciding against it: "of course, comrade."

"How does it feel to be a disregarded by state? Since, you know," qi rotated qis body to be against the sofa with qis back, facing the communist, "your whole thing is that the state is good?"

"Opinion of bourgeois state didn't bother me, and I would say it is no different here." He didn't mind the question, which felt weird. Had kulak asked that he would have suckerpunched him. "Can I also ask something personal?"

"Sure, fire away."

"Why are you fine with it?"

"Cuz fuck the state, baBY!"

Kulak gave a small "whoop!" in his corner.

"I don't believe you. You get along with everyone here, why compromise all that for me?"

"It was an impulse decision, Tank, I didn't exactly think it through," Anarchy snorted, moved closer to Commie and leaned against him, "but I suppose that.. we need to heal, don't we? Capitalism, the revolution, oppression- all of it hurt. Mentally, but also physically. I just want us to move away from it all. Maybe I'm just tired," qi shrugged with a sad smile directed at Tankie, "that's one of the reasons I wanna get away, you know."

"I understand that," Commie said back, leaning against Anarchy.

"Hey, if ya'll start making out I will ask more!"

Commie instantly blushed a bit, but anarchy rolled his eyes: "Sure you will, Hobkin."

"Hey! I'm not Hobkin!" Anarcho-Capitalist jumped in, taking on of the glasses in his hand to swing at the duo but then remembered that he owned the class and instantly lowered his hand.

Anarchy snorted at the display, a bit sleepy. Tankie finally decided to give into the impulse and put his arm around his comrade. The latter looked content there, so it was probably a correct choice.


The sky was dark grey-ish when Commie and Anarchy arrived at Anarchist's street, the former doing most of the navigating and the former "no wait go there I swear there's a shortcut"-ing their journey longer. Or maybe it was just about Tankie not wanting to climb over fences.

"Hey, Tank?"

"Да?" Tankie moved his head more towards Anarkitty, whose weight he was supporting, voice soft.

"The sky is darker than it used to be. It used to be light gray at this hour."

"Light pollution was much worse, да."

"But it's still not black. It'll never be black in the here."

Commie turned the corner and stopped, looking at Anarchy's face to figure out what qi had meant. Why did qi care about sky's colour? The smaller figure looked downright mournful, eyes a bit watery: "I can barely see the stars.."

"Comrade, sometimes ve can't see the stars."

"No, you don't get it! It's like a metaphor, you know?"

"Poetry vas never my thing," he chuckled.

"Yeah," qi sighs, "I know, Tankie. I'm just thinking that.. I'm here, surrounded by moderates and centrist-leftists. I'll never have my utopia here."

"You vorked vith Centricide, comrade. You vorked vith me!" Commie felt hurt by the implication that he was impossible to live with, the emotions shining through the last sentence.

"Yeah, before the revolution. But now! I'm relegated to my own area and most of the anarchists just get used to having a government," qi grieved, putting his head on Commie's shoulder. "I thought I was fine with it.."

"Anarkitty, that's-" he chewed on his bottom lip before instinctively ending the nervous action and instead softly pulling his fingers through Anarchy's hair, "I don't know what say. You could always start next revolution, I think." He felt like someone had gut punched him, as Anarchy's face remained sad.

Anarchy snorted, maybe a bit mockingly, leaning against Commie's chest: "Yeah, good luck with that. I'm way too tired to do this shit again anyway."

Commie sighed, patting Anarchy's shoulder and started to move again, pushing Anarchy back to his side: "It is vhat it is?"

"Yeah, it is."

AN: right i'm gonna level with ya'll i'm aromantic, i enjoy romance and shit but i really don't know how crushes work, so uhh comment how they feel pls! thx

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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