Chapter 1: What~?

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ash, was calm during his allmightiness's take over, of the world, he was clam when his mom got deported, was he really? hell no! But he pretended. now, even though misty and Brock are dead, because of the war. His mightiness rung his bell...his doorbell....out of everyone else on this god dam planet...he rang ash's. The universe is out to kill him...apparently..... ash shuffled to the door....and nearly fainted when he saw the dictator himself standing on his porch.....

" Can i help yoU?" ash asked

" Uh...yes...does ash ketchum live here....raven hair...amber eyes....wait a minute....are you_?" mewtwo asked

" what do you want...." ash said

" You." mewtwo said

" come again??" ash said

" i want you." mewtwo said

" Okay..i heard that you wanted i think me staying up last night fucked with my hearing...." ash said

" No i said i wanted you!" mewtwo said

".....oh okay...WHAT~?!" ash said 

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