🔅Love Potiont!- All parts🔅

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You and (Crush) went to a place where they sell drinks and other items related to liquid. They both chose to look around to see if they could find something to get and buy. Later, you chose a bottle of a red liquid to drink, but you didn't knew what it was. So you took it, and left with (crush). (It's up to y'all if your oc and crush are together or not). Once y'all went to, (to any place), yall pull out yalls drink and drink up. Later, the effect began to kick in pretty badly. Your vision began to blur and your body felt weak, including hot. You didn't knew what was happening, but you went to ask (crush) about something was wrong. You were acting strange around him, like you want to be with them or do something else.
(Smut is added!)
(Roles can be reverse! Instead of oc, crush will drink the potiont)

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