A Tag Battle is a Friendship Battle! Eevee Fight for the First Time!

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Having arrived in Anistar City, Serena and her Pokemon are in the middle of the practicing for the Pokemon Showcase.

"Finish!" the heroes gives a small round of applause for Serena, who just finished her training.

"Good job, Serena!"

Bonnie jumps out from her seat as Serena and her Pokemon approaches the group, "Serena, that was so cool!" the little girl chimed.

Serena smiled, "Thank you."

"You are perfectly prepared for tomorrow." Caitlyn commented and she lays a hand on Luna's head and ruffles her hair, earning a small purr for the girl as she leans for her touch.

Serena wipes a layer of sweat away from her forehead and shook her head, "No, I still have a long way to go. I won't be able catch up to Aria with something like this!"

Eevee jumps down from Caitlyn's lap as Serena kneels down in front of her Pokemon, "Thank you, Eevee! Please watch the Pokemon Showcase tomorrow. We're definitely going to win. And then I'll have you with me on the stage next time, ok?" her Pokemon nodded in response then Serena looks up at Caitlyn, "Caitlyn, thank you for watching Eevee. Eevee seems to feel safe when you're by its side."

Caitlyn smiles at her friend, "Your welcome, Serena." She replied.

Chespin comes out of its Poke Ball to greet Eevee, but Eevee is too shy that it immediately runs in circles around Caitlyn's feet to avoid Chespin. "Come on, Chespin." Clemont picks Chespin up and Bonnie gently scolded the Pokemon, "You mustn't startle it."

"I'm sorry, Chespin. Eevee will get used to you eventually." Serena said.

"There you are!" the heroes turns around just to see Tierno waving at them with a Blastoise standing by his side. "Hey! It's been a while!"


"One, two, three, four!" With the snap of his fingers, Blastoise spins around on the back of its shell and Tierno jumps on top of it, landing on his hands as they spins towards the heroes, then they stops across from them and poses. "Have you guys been well? I missed you! Especially..." Tierno spins towards Caitlyn and Serena as he kneels down before them, "Serena, Caitlyn, I'm glad to see you!"

The two girls smiles at him nervously, "Y-Yeah, same." Caitlyn replied slowly.

Ash then notices Blastoise and calls Tierno's name, which caught his attention, "This Blastoise...Your Wartortle has evolved, right?" he asked.

Bonnie approaches Blastoise and patted its stomach while Tierno replied, "That's right. Since the last time we meet, we've been improving our dancing and battling, making it evolve all the way!"

Blastoise is a large, bipedal tortoise-like Pokemon. Its body is dark blue and is mostly hidden by its tough, brown shell. This shell has a pale yellow underside and a white ridge encircling its arms and separating the upper and lower halves. Two powerful water cannons reside in the top sides of its shell. These cannons can be extended or withdrawn and can be used to assist in high-speed charges. Blastoise's head has triangular ears that are black on the inside, small brown eyes, and a cream-colored lower jaw. Its arms are thick and striated with three claws on each hand. Its feet have three claws on the front and one on the back. It has a stubby tail.

Bonnie observes Blastoise as the Pokemon looks down at the little girl, "Whoa, it's huge!" she remarked. Bonnie looks like she have a good time as she clings onto Blastoise's arms and it lifts her up.

"I never seen this one before..." Luna murmured as she points her green Pokedex at the Pokemon.

"Blastoise, the Shell Pokemon. It crushes its foe under its heavy body to cause fainting. In a pinch, it will withdraw inside its shell."

"A Blastoise, huh?" Luna hummed in interest as she looks at her Arcanine, "It looks strong, isn't it?" her Pokemon only nodded in response.

"Oh, come to think of it," Tierno turns to Serena, Clemont, Luna, and Caitlyn as he asked, "she's not here yet, is she?"

The four of them only gives him a confused look till a feminine scream caught their attention as they turn to see Shauna arrives with her Ivysaur. "Tierno beat me here!" she groaned in frustration.

"I'm first!"

"Shauna!" Luna and Serena runs to their friend as they happily greet her, "Have you been doing well?" Luna chirped.

"Of course! How about you two?" Shauna asked, smiling at her friends.

"Me too!"

"Me three! Will you enter the showcase too, Shauna?"

"Yes." Shauna replied.

"In that case, it will be a one good fight tomorrow." Clemont commented.

Bonnie throws her arms in the air and cheered, "Yay, it'll be really lively!"

Pancham and Braixen approaches and greets Ivysaur, which caught Caitlyn's attention as she points her pink Pokedex at the Pokemon.

"Ivysaur, the Seed Pokemon. As Ivysaur takes in nutrients, a large flower blooms from the bulb on its back."

Ivysaur is a quadruped Pokemon similar to a dinosaur. It has blue-green skin with darker patches. On top of its head are pointed ears with black inside, and it has narrow red eyes. It has a short, rounded snout with a wide mouth. Two pointed teeth protrude from its upper jaw. Each of its feet have three claws on them. The bulb on its back has bloomed into a large pink bud. A short brown trunk surrounded by leafy green fronds supports the bud. The weight of the plant prevents Ivysaur from standing on its hind legs and forces its legs to grow sturdy.

Eevee only hides behind Caitlyn's legs and stares at the newcomers shyly, "Serena, Luna, are you two prepared for tomorrow? All set and ready?" Shauna asked.

"Yes." Serena replied as the two girls turns their head to Luna, "I won't lose to you this time, Luna!" they exclaimed in the same time.

Luna smirks at them and makes a hand motion that says 'bring it on!', "Let's see what you got, then! Right, Arcanine?" her Pokemon responded with a small growl and a nod.

Serena and Luna then turn their attention to Ivysaur as the honey-haired girl hummed, "So it has evolved into Ivysaur!"

Shauna smiled, "I also watched the Dendemille Pokemon Showcase alright! Serena, you've evolved Fennekin into Braixen, too! It looks really nice!"

"Thank you."

Shauna then spotted Serena's Eevee hiding behind Caitlyn's leg and her face lit up, "Oh, an Eevee!" but the Pokemon is too shy that it hides from Shauna.

"Come on, Eevee. You know you can't hide behind me forever." Caitlyn gently said as she try to nudge Eevee forward with her hand, but the Pokemon refuses to budge from its spot.

"Is that little one your partner too, Serena?" Shauna asked.

"That's right!" Serena answered as she approaches her Eevee, "Eevee, this is Shauna." She raised Eevee up in her arms, "She's my friend." Then she turns to Shauna with an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, this little one is a bit shy."

"I see."

"It was living on its own in the forest, so it might dislike crowded places." Clemont stated.

"I'm sure it'll get used to it." Ash said.

Caitlyn approaches Serena and place her hand on her shoulder, catching the girl's attention, "Depending on how you raise it, Eevee offers a lot of different possibilities for performance, you know?"

Serena looks at her questioningly, "Possibilities?"

Caitlyn nodded, "That's right. For example, if it evolves into a Flareon, a Fire-type, you can do powerful fire performances with it and Braixen, or if it evolves into Leafeon, a Grass-type, it might make a good combo with Pancham. Other than that, there's...Umbreon, a Dark-type, Glaceon, an Ice-type, Espeon, a Psychic-type, Jolteon, an Electric-type, Vaporeon, Water-type...and finally, Slypheon, a Fairy-type. And like that, depending on what you evolve it into, the range of your performances will expand, see?" she finishes explaining.

Shauna, Luna, and Serena stares at Caitlyn in awe, who squirmed under their gaze uncomfortable before Shauna is the first one to spoke up, "Whoa, you sure know a lot about it! Why don't you try becoming a Pokemon Performer, Caitlyn?"

The light purple-haired girl rubs the back of her head and smiles sheepishly, "Well...Becoming a Pokemon Performer never really crossed my mind..."

"I had no idea there were so many possibilities!" Luna then let out a whine, "I'm jealous, Serena!"

Serena looks down at her Eevee and smiles, "Isn't that amazing, Eevee?" the Pokemon only tilts its head to the side cutely.

"Drawing out Eevee's potential is your duty, Serena." The girl returns her attention to Shauna as she continued, "Do your best!"

Serena nodded with her eyebrows knitted together in determination, "Yeah, I will!"

At the Pokemon Center, the heroes and Tierno and Shauna decided to have a break as they sit around on the table, Caitlyn sits across from Shauna with Luna and Serena sitting in between her. Clemont sits Luna's left with his sister by his left, and to Bonnie's left is where Ash seats with Tierno sit across from him.

"Wow..." Ash takes a sip of his drinks after Tierno finishes explaining about Trevor, "And where is Trevor today?" he asked.

"He'd actually planning on coming with us, but it seems like he found another Pokemon he doesn't have in his photo collection yet and is now chasing it." Tierno replied.

Clemont chuckles, "That is so like Trevor."

"It sure is." Caitlyn agreed with a small giggle escapes from her lips.

"I wonder what kind of Pokemon he found."

"Bonnie is curious about that, too!"

"Let's have him show us his photo collections next time we meet him!"

"Ash, are you challenging the Anistar Gym next?" Tierno asked, which Ash confirms it. Tierno points a thumb at himself and said, "I've already challenged it."

Ash leans forward in interest, "Really? And did you get the badge?" he pressed.

Tierno smirks, before it was replaced with a small shrug and a sheepish smile, "I lost." He replied.

The heroes are surprised to hear that Tierno have lost in a gym battle, "I cannot believe you of all people lost." Clemont mumbled.

"Is the Gym Leader that strong?" Serena asked.

Caitlyn propped her elbow on the table as she leans her chin against her palm, "The Anistar Gym is a Psychic-type Gym. The Gym Leader is pretty strong." She informed Ash.

"Psychic-types, huh?" Tierno sweats-dropped when Ash leans forward even more to the point that he gets into Tierno's face, "So what kind of battle did you have? Is the Gym that amazing?"

"Well..." Tierno looks to the side and he hummed thoughtfully, "I don't know how to put it...Like, it's sort of mysterious, or should I say amazing...?"

"Oh, sorry!" Ash holds his hand in front of Tierno's face to stop him, "I'll find out by myself, after all." He sits back down on his seat and grins widely as his Pikachu jumps on top of the table, "So I'll just wait until I get there."

Tierno smiles, "You're right. That's the best way."

"Ash really is optimistic, huh?" Shauna then notices Caitlyn's eyes softened when she keeps staring at Ash, she put two and two together and she beams brightly so she decided to tease her, "That's what you like about him, right?"

A small blush found its way to Caitlyn's cheeks and she looks back at Shauna, "W-Well...I think Ash's optimism is really admirable..."

Ash glance at Caitlyn with a puzzled look, "Hm? Did you say something?" He asked.

Caitlyn turns to him and waves him off with a small smile, "No, it's nothing." She replied calmly. Shauna only grins at her while Ash only stares at her questioningly, but decided to shrug it off although he thinks that Caitlyn's smile is cute.

Bunnelby gives Eevee a Poke Puff, which it starts eating. Chespin is determined to become friends with Eevee as it stared at the Poke Puff hungrily, but it resisted and gives Eevee one as well, but Eevee becomes scared and jumps into Serena's lap. "Eevee?"

Chespin goes after it, but Bonnie catches Chespin, who eats its own Poke Puff meant for Eevee. She place Chespin on her lap and smiles, "Chespin, you stay here."

"I'm sorry, Chespin." Serena apologizes to the frustrated Pokemon.

"So it's shy, huh...?" Shauna looks at Serena worriedly as she asked, "Will this little one enter Pokemon Showcases, too?"

Serena nodded, "Yeah, I'm planning to include it in the next tournament." She replied.

"I see. But the showcase stages have many people watching them," Shauna leans her cheek on her palm and stares at Eevee in concern, "so I'm a little worried."

Serena looks down at Eevee sleeping peacefully in her arms, which makes her smile at the Pokemon softly. "You are right. It has not even got used to us yet, after all." Clemont said.

"That's not true. You just have to approach it gently." Bonnie replied.

"This little one does a really lovely dance." Serena stated.

"Really?" Tierno asked.

"I want everyone to see it, too. It'd be a waste otherwise." Eevee opens its eyes and glance up at Serena curiously.

"No worries. Eevee is working hard, right?" Ash cast a glance at Caitlyn, who silently nodded in response. "I'm sure it'll be able to perform in front of people eventually."

Braixen and Pancham approaches the shy Eevee and encourages it, "Alright!" Ash's sudden outburst startles the poor Pokemon as he stands up from his seat abruptly and announced, "Eevee, time to train!" Ash's yells scares Eevee as it immediately jumps into Caitlyn's hoodie for its own safety.

Caitlyn gently pats the Pokemon's trembling form in hopes of calming it down, "Ash, you're too loud!" Bonnie and Pikachu scolded the boy as he rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

For a start, the heroes let Eevee meet the other Pokemon - Frogadier, Pikachu, Dedenne and Chespin - by touching them. "Alright, Eevee. Let's get used to this little by little." The Pokemon nodded and glances at the four Pokemon warily.

"For now, Eevee should take as much time as it feels it needs. In other words, I think it would be good to let it just try to slowly touch the others." Clemont explained.

Serena nodded at Clemont and looks back at her Eevee, "Do your best, Eevee." The Pokemon only whimpered in response but it decided to approach the four Pokemon slowly. But Eevee stops when Chespin calls for the Pokemon, earning a scolding from Bonnie.

Serena squats down and smiles at her Eevee reassuringly, "Eevee. I'm right here, so you'll be fine." Eevee looks at Bunnelby, who encourages her as Eevee slowly approaches Dedenne and touches it with its own tail and does the same to Frogadier. After touching Pikachu, Chespin goes to say something, but shuts his mouth. Eevee stands and goes to touch Chespin, but Chespin holds too much and shouts away, scaring Eevee and making Chespin disappointed so Bunnelby goes to comfort the poor Grass-type Pokemon.

Caitlyn stands beside Serena and rest a hand on her hip, "I think this will take a while." Serena nodded in agreement and they look down at the trembling Eevee, who is hiding behind Serena's legs.


The rest are doing whatever they're doing as Serena is comforting Eevee along with Braixen and Pancham. Caitlyn leans her back against the wall with her arms crossed and her eyes closed, but an announcement from the television caught her attention as she opens one eye and glance at the television.

"Alright, this week's number one...Aria!" She watch the top performance of Aria with Delphox and Aromatisse. Humming softly, a small smile graced her lips as she return her attention to her friends.

Suddenly, Serena approaches Shauna and she asked for a battle. "A battle?" Shauna questioned, raising a brow at the honey-haired girl.

"Yeah." Serena nodded while holding Eevee in her arms.

"Sounds fun. Alright, I'm in too!" Tierno exclaimed.

"Did somebody mention a battle?" Ash, Luna, Clemont, and Bonnie approaches them as Ash gives them a toothy grin, "I'll join, I'll join!"

"Thank you, everyone."

"In that case, why don't we make it a tag battle?" Caitlyn suggested, catching everyone's attention as she slowly approach the group.

"A tag battle, huh? Between which teams?" Ash pressed, raising his fist in front of his chest.

"It'll be Shauna and Serena against you and Tierno. What do you think?" Caitlyn asked, giving them a wink in the process.

"Nice. Sounds fun."


"Are you ok with that, Serena?"

Serena beams brightly, "Yeah, of course." Then she looks down at Eevee and asked, "Eevee, will you battle together with me? After all, we might get an idea for your dances." Her Pokemon happily reply with a nod.

At the battle field, Tierno and Ash stands across from Shauna and Serena as Caitlyn stands in the middle as the referee, "Now, the tag battle between the team of Serena and Shauna and the team of Ash and Tierno will now begin. You may use one Pokemon each. If both Pokemon on one team are unable to battle, the battle is over."

The two teams nodded at Caitlyn while Luna and Bonnie are rooting for the trainers, but Eevee is nervous for its first battle so Serena calls out to the Pokemon without giving it a glance, "Let's fight together. You're not alone, ok?" she gently reminded the Pokemon, and its ears perked up and responded happily.

"Let's win this in a cute way, Ivysaur." Shauna said as she does a warm up.

"Now then, begin the battle!"

"Alright. Let's go, Pikachu! Electro Ball!" Pikachu starts with an Electro Ball, "I knew Ash would make the first move. Ivysaur, Energy Ball!" Ivysaur uses Energy Ball to counter against Pikachu's Electro Ball.

"I expected nothing less from you, Shauna." Ash compliments his opponent.

"Likewise, Ash." Shauna replied.

"Hey, hey, hey! Here comes our rhythm strategy! Blastoise, Rapid Spin!" Blastoise uses Rapid Spin as it charges towards Eevee, "Eevee, Protect!" Eevee uses Protect to negate its attack. Tierno smirks, "Not bad."

"Razor Leaf!" Ivysaur launches Razor Leaf at Blastoise, "Wait now! Do a backstep!" Blastoise successfully dodges Ivysaur's attacks by performing a few backflips. "Thunderbolt!" uses Thunderbolt, which Eevee attempts to dodge, but falls down.


"Watch out!"

Luckily, Ivysaur uses Razor Leaf to counter the attack. "Thank goodness, we made it." Shauna sighed in relief as Ivysaur glance at Eevee and smiles at it. "Eevee, are you alright?" the brunette asked.

"Thank you, Shauna." Serena thanked her friend, as Bonnie and Luna still rooting for the shy Pokemon.

"Do your best, Eevee!"


Seeing Bonnie, Luna and the Pokemon cheering for it, Eevee becomes happy. "Eevee." The said Pokemon turns its head to Serena as she said, "This is what Pokemon battles are like. What do you think?"

"Alright, we're not done with our rhythm strategy!"

"Eevee, let's join in!"

Caitlyn notices the determination in Eevee's eyes and she smiles softly, 'I wonder...'

"One, two, three, four! One, two, three, four!" Blastoise and Tierno began dancing and Eevee tries to follow their rhythm before it moves forward. Serena is pleased by this and said, "Let's show them your dance!"

"Oh? Are you gonna dance too, Eevee? But will you be able to keep up with our steps?" With a snap of his fingers, Tierno and Blastoise began dancing before the Pokemon performs multiple side flips then it leaps into the air, "Water Gun!" Blastoise uses Water Gun as Serena quickly ordered, "Jump!" Eevee jumps up to avoid the Water Gun and over the Pokemon, and baffles Blastoise with its movement.

"Serena, you're good! Eevee too!" Shauna chimed.

"Yeah! But we've only just started!" Serena exclaimed.

"Iron Tail!" Pikachu leaps into the air and uses Iron Tail on Ivysaur, hitting the Pokemon. Ivysaur quickly recovers and skidded across the ground, "Are you alright, Ivysaur?" Shauna asked in concern.

"We're in the middle of the battle! Don't get distracted!" Ash shouted.

"I know! Ivysaur, Vine Whip!" Ivysaur retaliates with Vine Whip, "Dodge!" Pikachu swiftly dodges the attack. "That's a fast rhythm! Keep up with it, Blastoise!" Blastoise tries to keep up with Eevee's moves, but fails. "Now, Eevee! Swift!" Using this advantage, Eevee uses Swift on Blastoise, knocking the Pokemo back and dazzling Serena.

"Blastoise!" the Pokemon quickly recovers and Tierno is definitely impressed by Eevee's moves, "That's amazing. Eevee surprised me! To think the rhythm strategy got used back against us..."


Shauna glance at Serena, "You're perfectly in sync! Is this really Eevee's first battle?" She asked. Braixen and Pancham confirms it with a nod then they notice that Serena is silent, clenching her fists and a wide smile spread on her face.

"That's right...That feeling just now...!" then Serena turns to Shauna and asked, "Sorry, can I withdraw from the battle? I've got an idea for the new performance. I want to practice it immediately!" then she turns to Tierno and Ash apologetically, "I'm really sorry, I know I was the one to request the battle!"

"Guess there's nothing to be done about it."

"Do your best, Serena!"

"That's right. If this helped you guys with your performance, it's ok."

Ash, Tierno and Shauna allow her to, since Serena wants to practice this performance. "Thank you, everyone. Eevee, Braixen, Pancham, time to train!" Serena and Eevee leave with Braixen and Pancham. Shauna and Luna leaves as well, while Ash decides to continue the battle with Tierno.

Caitlyn slides her orbs to the direction where Serena head off to as she brought her hand up and giggles into it, 'Oh my...Serena have grown so much.' She thought.

~Next Day~

The once peaceful morning was ruined by Serena, Luna, and Shauna's screaming of terror. the heroes, along with Tierno and Shauna, unprepared rush out of the Pokémon Center, for Luna, Serena, and Shauna may be late for registration.

"Oh no! We're late, we're late!"

"When does the registration end?" Clemont asked after a small yawn, carrying his little sister under his arm.

"Soon!" Shauna replied, tying up her hair.

"We'll make it if we run..." Ash mumbled while his mouth is stuffed with bread, his hand gently grabbing Caitlyn's hand as he drags the sleepy girl with him.

The Anistar Pokemon Showcase will finally begin. Will Serena or Luna be able to get their second Princess Key together with their Pokemon?

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