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Erica finished making the finishing touches on her bow. She looked over at the handmade quiver with the hand made arrows. While she had never participated in hunting dragons she had learned how to shoot a bow and preferred it to most other weapons. She knew that some would consider it a cowards weapon as it wasn't close range fighting but she didn't care. It was an advantage over your enemies as far as she could see.

She slung the quiver over her shoulder and headed outside. Silver looked up and spotting her rose from the spot where he had been resting. She put her hand out and gave him a quick pat on the head. His eyes shifted to the bow she was holding in her left hand. "It's okay boy." She held it out to let him sniff and prayed to the gods that he wouldn't set it on fire like he did before he got use to the arrows she had made. He sniffed it and after a moment or two he decided that it was safe.

She put the quiver on the saddle and slung her bow over her shoulder and mounted Silver and headed towards the training ground. When they got there the Dragon Riders were already there and it looked like they were training. What was more interesting was that Astrid was in charge and Hiccup was no where to be seen. She waited to see what was going on.

"Alright guys we're going to do target practice. We need to get better."

"Ugh." Everyone complained.

Erica smiled, this may be the perfect time to test out her new bow. Silver swooped down and landed on the ground. "Hey guys," Erica greeted, "mind if I join you?"

"Sure, you'll need to borrow a weapon."

"No need I made my own." She unslung the bow from her back and grabbed her quiver.

"A bow and arrow? Really? How do we know you're not a dragon hunter trying to trick us." Snotlout asked.

"These don't have dragon root on them. The only reason why I'm using them is because it's the only weapon I know how to use."

"Did you say you made your bow and arrows?" Astrid asked with interest.

"Yep, and target practice is the perfect time to test them out."

"Alright I'll let you join us."

Astrid pulled out her ax and started throwing it at the targets, she'd throw and then retrieve them over and over again. When she had finally hit all the targets she removed her ax and held it at her side.

"Who's next?"

"I'll go." Erica volunteered.

Astrid nodded and moved out of the way. Erica stepped up to where she though she would get a good shot. She pulled an arrow from her quiver and drew back the bow and then fired. The arrow soared through the air and hit the target dead center. She pulled out another arrow and shot it at hit the bullseye though it wasn't dead center this time. She continued to fire the arrows and that always hit the bullseye. She finished and put her bow down with a smile.

"Nice the bow works."

"That's what you comment on? The bow works not how you hit the targets dead center every time!"

"I was more concerned about the bow not working than anything else."

"How did you not end up becoming a hunter?" Astrid asked her as Erica went to retrive the arrows.

"I made sure they didn't know I was practicing with a bow, I also didn't approve of them hunting dragons."

"Well you sure know how to use your talent."

The Dragon Girl: A How to Train Your Dragon FanficWhere stories live. Discover now