the beginning

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It was a stormy evening specifically 100 o'clock celcius, your friend worm on a string had came over for a night , you were VERY excited to be with your friend as you were usually lonely on these evenings. Until you got a call from your best mate Charles the sexy purple worm. You two talked on the phone for hours on end, and finally arranged to meet the next evening tomorrow.So right now you were chilling with Charles the sexy purple worm on your gucci loui vuitton chanel collaboration bed. He was wearing only a speedo thong that was coloured black to match his beautiful eyes, his DEAD SOULLESS eyes.

His beautiful fluffy neon purple fur was waving in the wind coming from your open window. His speedo shone in the evening sunlight,his eyes everted to your face, you blushed immensely because his eyes were so beautiful, so...shiny..

He put his strong manly hand on your face, "M'lady, i can treat you better than the other cocky douchebag of a worm like Anderson!"

Right then and there, Anderson broke through your window, shards of glass go flying everywhere, Anderson is a bright neon hot yellow worm, quite lanky too,VERY skinny but somehow he manages to have abs which look like they are rising dough.He stares at you and Charles angrily

"EXCUUUSEEEE ME!" Anderson yells vigorously.

"*GASPS~*" Charles gasps sexily

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