baby syrup

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 You wake up to see charles playing with your 'Barbie life in the dream house' house "cahrles what are u doing with my Barbie life in the dream house house?!!??!? That is VALUABLE!!! VERY VERY VALUABLE!!! GET UR SMELLY SMELLY WORMY CRUSTY FLUFFY SMELLY STINKY WORMY HANDS OFF MY BARBIE LIFE IN THE DREAM HOUSE HOUSE NOWW!!! CHARLES NOWWW!!!!!" you yell viciously at charles aggressivelylyllylyly "ME (CHARLES) AM TRULY SORRY I DID NOT KNOW THAT YOUR BARBIE LIFE IN THE DREAM HOUSE HOUSE HAD SUCH VALUE TO YOU! YOU NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT HOW VALUABLE IT WAS TO YOU, I AM DEARLY VERY VERY SORRY" charles cries out, and then he runs out of your room in pure sadness. "CHARLES!!!!!!!! WAIT!!!!!!!!!!" you scream out to him. After minutes, HOURS of searching you find charles in your kitchen crying on the floor in a fetal position " so sorry" you kiss him on his wormy little furry cheek, he blushes immensely "ily homedawg"he says lovingly to you "ily too homedawg..." u two share a tender kissy kissy smoochie woochie 

sorry it took long to update  

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