Chapter One.

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The seven deadly sins are a way for Christianism to classify the different vices in which humans may fall. These seven sins are the origin of all the other sins.

What the church is hiding is that those sins are not simple words written on a book. They are real demons who torment those souls that are willing to leave behind a life of servitude to God to fall on Lucifer's hands.

The seven deadly sins live together, as friends, and have fun watching humanity falling for the temptation of ignoring the Bible.

Pride is the representation of the love for oneself also called self-love, which should not happen as it goes against God itself. Pride, who decided to adopt a human nickname, as so did his other six friends, is known in the human world as Adriel. To attract this demon, blue colour is your ally as well as a couple of ribbons of this colour in your left wrist.

Luxuria is the wish of receiving sexual pleasure. Lust looks for that pleasure on itself, without caring if it is before or after a marital knot, without caring if with it you are offending your soulmate, and doing it only for its own pleasure. In the human world, Lust is known as Raphael. To summon this demon, red is your ally as well as having your hair tied on a ponytail and decorated with a red rose.

Wrath means getting angry and not being able to control the emotion. It also implies a wish for revenge in acts in which the person has been involved. When wrath takes over us, we carry out acts which we may regret later on. In the human world, it is known as Diriel. To summon this demon, orange is your ally as well as a couple of sport shoes of the same colour.

Gluttony is the excessive wish of pleasure coming from consuming food or drinks. It can also be tied to the consume of narcotics. Sinning of gluttony implies drinking and eating excessively, eating for the pleasure of eating although you do it even when you are not hungry anymore. The individual spends the whole day thinking only about eating. It also means excessive drinking until reaching intoxication. Gluttony is known in the human world as Pyro. To summon this demon, green is your ally as well as cooking with any piece of clothing with that colour.

Envy is the sadness or resentment motivated by things going well to someone else. It is also the feeling of wanting those good things to happen to themselves. It is also the happiness that a person feels when another has misfortune. In the human world, Envy is known as Seth. To summon this demon is as simple as saying out loud the names of those who we envy. Being close to that person while doing it also helps to summon it.

Sloth implies a person who sets aside its obligations. It is the lack of effort, with it being physical or spiritual. It is the reluctance of doing any of our responsibilities, with those being related to work or study issues. Summoning Sloth is a very easy task. Only by sinning of it you are one foot step of meeting this demon and, if you also put off a very important task, it is even easier. In the human world, Sloth is known as Cassiel.

Greed is the most powerful of the seven sins. Not because of the vice of being greedy but for its way of spreading terror. It is a very imposing demon who, carried on by its own sin is capable of committing the biggest of the atrocities just to have it its own way. Greed is especially mischievous when it comes to looking for new proprieties to obtain, money and more, with an only objective: living for and by it without caring about hurting anyone to achieve it. In the human world he is known as Nikolas.

The seven deadly sins united on a battle against...

I closed the tab and look at the clock in my laptop. Three in the morning. What am I doing reading this kind of things now? I guess I got lost in the depths of the internet. And it all started with me looking for information about bats because one got close to my window this afternoon and I wanted to know how come it wasn't hiding in a cave or something like that.

I snorted and looked out the window. The sky was full of stars.

— I guess it's not that bad to live away from the city, it's been a long time since I've seen those many stars shining like that. — I whispered.

I should try to get some sleep, it's my last week of summer vacation before going back to university. I turned off the computer and left it on my bedside table. My legs were warm from the battery's heat. I had been for too ling with the laptop on.

My name is Christina, I'm nineteen years old and I'm studying classic philology. Every since I was little I've been fascinated by those tales of the different mythological heroes and their enemies. I got into this world after realising that reading online novels written by young girls my age and published on the internet that talked about this topic did not satisfy me enough. I needed more. I wanted to know all the secrets of that world.

I'm a person who has read many books in her short life. Even though a third of those have been in PDF, because lately I've been short on money to buy paperback editions. I've always hoped that all those stories I've read are based on real facts so, I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter, my best friend werewolf and my vampire lover, for Peter Pan's shadow, my Shadowhunter and more importantly, my Olympus God.

In my mind I've created many stories in which I finf myself battling against demons, saving lives and falling in love with my partner in battle. All of those are based on other novels and books that I've read because I've never had a real relationship with a guy. I want to blame my imagination for it. I myself have created such high and surreal expectations that I'm surprised no one has called me crazy yet.

My second year in university is getting closer. I smile. I close my eyes and try to conciliate sleep for once but, a strong flash of lightning that falls really close to my room makes me jump from my bed.

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