Part Time Life

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San Diego Comicon had been a blast as usual, but Brian was looking forward to going home once the exhaustion began to set in once more that Sunday evening. He was in his hotel room trying to arrange a red eye home when he was interrupted by Murr letting himself into the room.

"So a few of us are gonna head out for some beers if you're game?", he asked.

"Nah. Gonna get the red eye home", Brian said simply.

"What? Why?", Murr asked, clearly disappointed by Brian's lack of enthusiasm.

"Maci's in her school talent show tomorrow. Some of us actually have families to go home to, y'know", Brian said jokingly.

"Hey! I have a fiancée", Murr pouted, causing Brian to roll his eyes. "What times the talent show?", he asked.

"4pm", Brian responded.

"You could easily catch the 7:30 flight with us in the morning - just head straight to the school from the airport! C'mon man, it'll be fun - it's been so long!", Murr pleaded. Brian huffed as he shook his head. He knew he shouldn't, but a part of him really did want to go. Although Brian loved being a family man more than anything, he hardly got the chance to go out and let loose anymore and he couldn't deny that he missed it.

"Fine! But we're taking it easy", he raised his eyebrow at him.

The guys had had a great time and Brian was glad he had decided to go out with them in the end. He spent most of his time with the guys these days, but they felt more like his colleagues than his best friends. Sure, they had a blast filming challenges and punishments and meeting the fans, performing live, but he sometimes felt as though they never got to spend time together as just four normal guys who had been friends since high school, and Brian missed that terribly. 

He and the guys arrived at the airport two hours early the next day, as they always did, but Brian's heart dropped into his stomach when they arrived to find the last thing he wanted to see.

"Delayed!? It can't be delayed!", Brian exasperated as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Maybe it won't be too long", Murr tried to reassure him.

"Oh sure! Because every plane that has ever been delayed has only taken 10 minutes to jet off Murray!", Brian snapped at him. "Can't we catch a red eye?", he asked hurriedly, thinking of every other option possible.

"I don't think so buddy", Joe said sadly.

"Guys! I can't miss this! It'll break Maci's heart and Liv will be furious", he sighed as he slouched down into a nearby chair.

"There's nothing we can do Q", Joe sighed as he placed his hand on Brian's shoulder. "Just - just give Liv a call and explain. I'm sure they'll understand", he told him. Brian sighed as he nodded. Joe was right and there was nothing more he could do at this point. He hoped they would both understand, he wouldn't blame them if they didn't. He shouldn't have gone out the night before. Brian took himself over to a quiet corner where he nervously took out his cellphone and pressed Liv's name on his call list.

"Hey you! Ready for home?", Liv's voice answered sweetly. Brian sighed once more as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I am but - but I've got some bad news", he told her.

"What?", her tone suddenly changed from cheery to fearful.

"Our flights delayed. I don't think I'm gonna make it back in time for Maci's show", he sighed sadly.

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