Chapter 4

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Dear Mama,

How have you been keeping. Are you doing alright? How's little brother doing? He doing well in school? Tell him that he better start doing well in school. I mean that. Tell him for me.

Isn't going so well in Vietnam not recently anyways. One of my friends jelly shot to the left eye and fell out on the floor. It wasn't too pretty. He gave me a bad dreams for a little while I don't think it ever going to go away. I heard somewhere that the war has no  sign of ending soon, do you know anything about this?

And without paw? How's he been doing? Does he still work? I knows he never quit his job. It just ain't like him to do something like that.

By the way, I got that package is sent him the other month. Me and my whole squad ate real good that night. Send you for that. Oh and I will tell you that I may get to come home for Christmas they said that they've got something going down and I work out a deal so that we can come home for Christmas least one time before we probably going to die.

I know what you're going to say mama, I shouldn't talk that way. I know I shouldn't. But I am gonna do it anyways. I just how you at look things up here in Vietnam. If you don't you'll probably get you had went off.

  Tell Sue that her boyfriend on his knees blown off up jungles up your Vietnam and he isn't going to get home. Tell her that I'm real sorry about that. Tell her that I know I promised I'll bring him home alive.

I'm not even sure they're going to retrieve the bodies out of the jungles anymore they just too much of them.

I need to wrap this up hello I love you and say that I love you and I love pops, little brother I love him too but I gotta get back out here.

I'll talk to you sometime later.

Sincerely your son,

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