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after a few hours of training, kylo was drenched in sweat

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after a few hours of training, kylo was drenched in sweat. he was almost complete with his training and he was glad it was finally coming to an end. hopefully once he was done, snoke would look at him differently, but it was likely.

however, as he was walking, kylo felt something. it was so strong he had to stop walking, leaning against the wall as memories flashed in his mind. all of which were when he was young, the boy he believed he killed years ago now in order to birth his new identity.

lira appeared in his mind, a person he hasn't thought about in a long time. kylo couldn't help but feel scared by all this. was he being tested by his own mind to see if he's strong enough for the dark side?

whatever it was, kylo didn't like it. his chest felt all weird and the air felt thick. he tried to shake it off, saying it was nothing to himself as he continued to head toward his room.

he quickly showered, trying to not let his crazy mind get the best of him before dressing in his robes and heading to the command center to see if there were any updates on the spy.

when he arrived, general hux was already there, talking with first order worker before noticing kylo's presence. "do you have any updates on the girl?"

"she's on her way as we speak. they'll be here shortly, lord ren." hux answered blankly.

"good, let me know when she's here."

"actually, they just arrived general hux." someone announced from their station, kylo quickly turning around and heading to docking bay. after going through the maze of black and white hallways, he saw the incoming ship. but with each step though as kylo drew closer, that feeling he felt was stronger.

it must be the spy, he thought. he wondered if she felt it too.

when stepped into the docking bay, two stormtroopers came out first, shortly after the similar figure of the girl came into his view, scarf around her head like in the hologram call. her frame was small and petite, which he thought was interesting knowing she was a spy.

she made her way to kylo, seeing the tall dark figure grow bigger and bigger as she got closer. she had never seen him with her own eyes, but just as she's heard, he definitely looked intimidating.

once she made her way up to kylo ren, she gave him a small bow, removing her scarf. "supreme leader kylo ren," she started. "it is nice to finally meet you."

when he finally got a good look at her face, kylo felt like if the wind had been knocked of him. of course no one could see his face, but it was in complete utter shock.

lira was confused as why he hadn't said anything until he finally said, "i have a mutual feeling. let's goto one of the meeting rooms, shall we?"

as he walked down the hallways, lira following behind him with the two troopers, his mind was all over the place. he knew lira had some feeling or understanding of the force. so did she know it was him hiding behind the mask?

while kylo was freaking out, lira quietly looked around the plain hallways. from first impressions of this guy, he seemed a little off. she didn't know if it was her, but everything felt awkward. she didn't like it.

after what felt like ages of walking, kylo lead her into a meeting room, were other generals were already waiting. before kylo walked up to the front, lira opened her bag, handing him the small device that held the information he wanted.

"can i get my reward now?" she asked, looking up at him.

"soon." he answered before plugging the device in, a portion of a map appearing in the room. "what is this?"

"it's a portion of the map, not all of it, but it's a start." lira answered. kylo noticed as she seemed to voice looking at him, feeling her nervous energy.

"this could help us a great amount, lord ren." one of the generals spoke up. "i'll have my station look more into the map. we can even send out troops to the neighboring planets."

"yes, do that. but we need to work fast. time is precious if we want to take down the resistance." kylo spoke, looking around the room before his eyes wandered to lira. she just looked at all the planets that surrounded them. "you," he pointed to lira, pretending he didn't know her at all. "do you think you can get any more information about the map?"

"i can see but i cannot guarantee anything." she answered simply.

"can you pledge your allegiance to the first order?" the red head general asked her.

"sure." she shrugged.

"excellent." he nodded. "welcome to the first order. we can lend you resources if you need any."

"i just want my reward, so..." she sighed, rocking on her feet.

"give the girl her reward, meeting adjourned." kylo ended, the map disappearing. the generals got up, one of then talking to lira before she followed them out the room. once everyone was gone and kylo was alone, with a wave of his hand, the door shut and locked.

when he lifted his mask over his head, he felt as if he was gasping for air, his face sweaty and heart racing.

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