Chapter 18

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Heyaaaa!! so i know its been a really long time since i last uploaded and i'm sorry! but this chapter is really leasti think...and a LOT of things happen.Also please dont hate me for what is going to happen! Thanks again for all the comment/votes! i love you guys!!! <3 :P

Chapter 18

Nate’s POV,

“Tyler, where are we going?” I asked as I walked beside him, through the rough neighborhood that made my stomach feel uneasy.

I wasn’t scared. I was just not feeling like getting into trouble tonight.

“What are we doing here? I thought your scene was more the clubs and expensive cocktails.”

He smirked, which made my stomach not feel any better. He was up to something.

“What happened to the big bad wolf that I used to know? You’ve turned into such a prude ever since-“ Tyler stopped walking.

“Ever since what?” I already knew what he was going to say but I wanted to hear the words.

He didn’t answer. He just stood there looking down at the ground.

“Ever since what?!” I demanded. I just wanted someone to say it. To say her name. I was tired of everyone pretending like nothing ever happened.

“Ever since Jenny died.” He finally answered now looking at me as guilt flashed his eyes.

He gripped onto my shoulders with both hands.

“Look big bro, lets just have fun tonight and forget about everything! I feel like getting completely wasted. “

“I do too now.”


I looked up at the colorful sign that was made with lights.

“What are we doing at a stipclub?” I asked Tyler with a disgusted look on my face.

I really didn’t need to pay some girl to see her boobs or get a lapdance. 

Tyler ignored my question and flashed the guard his fake ID as he entered the club.

Blasting music filled my ears as I walked behind him. Shirtless girls were dancing on platforms and horny men from all ages were throwing money at them. Even the waitresses were hardly wearing any clothes.

“Don’t look so shocked! This is heaven! Horny girls everywhere!” Tyler shouted over the loud music.

I smirked at how enthusiastic he was. It had been a while since he was passionate about something. He probably needed this more than I did since Cassandra just broke up with him.

I spotted Wesley and two other friends, Alexander and Christopher, at the bar drinking some shots. Alex and Chris were stepbrothers and only one year apart, Alex being 18 and Chris 19.

The guys noticed Tyler and I too and waved.

“Hey! How are you guys?” Tyler said giving them a manly hug.

“Well, drinks, music and some of the finest ladies in New York City! I can’t complain!” Chris shouted before he gulped down another shot of vodka.

“Let’s get comfortable.” Alex said, heading towards the lounge.

I had to admit though; for this place being in such a crappy area, it was a pretty cool club. It didn’t look cheap at all. The lighting in the lounge was a mixture of white and purple and the couches and chairs were extremely comfortable.

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