Chapter 2: New Magic

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"Take *#/$* and #(*/" with you! We'll hold them off for now." A female screamed at me, well more like a pink blur but still. With no control over my body, I ran in a direction, holding two tiny hands.

Suddenly, two hands grabbed the kids' other hands and we played a game of tug.

"Let them go!" I screamed but the person just smirked as he pushes me away. He was also about to grab me but I managed to outwit him. The last thing I saw was two children desperate and crying for help.


My eyes fluttered open and the first thing that greeted me was my light blue ceiling. Another dream?

I sat up, rubbing my forehead. It's always the same old dream. Me failing to save those kids who I forgot what their names are or what they look like.

I heard a knock on the door and I'm sure it's Carlo. He's always the one making sure that I wake up on time. "Princess, it's time for you to rise and complete packing your stuff."

"On it!"

I stood up and walked over to the backpack I'm bringing. It's a normal-sized backpack cast with a spell that makes it carry infinite objects.

There's not much that I packed, really. A week worth of adventure clothing, some canned goods, several canteens of water, a bag of gold coins, and my privilege card.

I took out my privilege card and slide my fingers around it. This card is exclusively for royalties that let us buy anything for free. To be honest, I hate using this but I might run out of money and starve. I don't want that to happen.

I walked to my study table and grabbed a bulky spellbook. Despite its size, it's as light as a feather. I placed my spellbook inside and zipped the backpack up. Before I go, I should probably ask for information. And the best place to do that is at Black Light Alley.


I wore a plain, oversized, dark blue, button-opened, long-sleeved, vest with a plain white shirt underneath; some loose, black leggings; and black adventure boots.

I walked out of the castle, greeting the front guards along the way. They greeted me back with a smile and went back to being statues.

I head to the marketplace since that's the only way to Black Light Alley. I've been to the Alley once but I never went deeper because Dad said it's dangerous there.

I skipped to the market, people giving me smiles and stares. I greeted them back with a smile as I happily skip to the market.

I arrived at the usually busy market and slide my way through the crowd, careful not to catch any attention.

"Princess Funneh!" I heard someone shout. Oh come on, my luck just ran out. I turned around and saw an old woman limping her way to me. My eyes widened. I jogged towards the old woman, holding her shoulders so she won't fall off.

"Grandma, are you okay?" I worriedly asked. Dad always told me that I should always care for our subjects and I'm glad he taught me that.

The old woman gave me a faint smile. "I am completely fine, m'lady. I just wanted to give my regards to the royal family since they help me get my house from the bandits who took shelter in it."

"You should be thanking the King and not me, Grandma but I'll make sure he'll hear about your gratitude." I smiled.

The old lady backed away from me, still smiling. "You are going to be a good queen someday, m'lady." My cheeks blushed at the compliment.

"T-thank you but I do think I still have a long way to go."

The old lady laughed hoarsely, probably because she hasn't drink anything for days. "I'm sorry for bothering you m'lady. Again, thank you very much."

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