Chapter 4: Companion

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I yawned. I looked outside my window to see that the sun is slowly rising from the horizon. I stood up from my bed and headed to the bathroom, this will probably be my last nice bath for who knows long.

After showering, I walked to the mirror to admire my clothing. I'm wearing a dark blue hiking jacket, black hiking pants, and light combat boots. I grinned to myself. This'll do.

I grabbed my bag, stuffed the map in it, and headed out. There weren't many people around. In fact, no maid ever visits this hall because they said it's for 'the chosen ones' only. What a bunch of weirdos. This is just a hall, for Pete's sake.

I knocked on Dad's door to inform him that I'm leaving but he seems to be asleep so I slid a letter under his door that I prepared. It's a lousy goodbye but it's better than nothing.

I left the castle, giving it one last stare. I wonder what awaits me outside this kingdom?


I've been walking for an hour now. The sun has already risen but thanks to the huge cluster of trees, the sunlight was limited.

Rustle. My ears perked up at the sound. Someone is following me, I'm sure of it. I continued walking, pretending to not know that they were following me.

The rustling continued and I can't take it anymore so I turned around, putting on my straight face. "You're not good with being quiet, huh?"

Silence. I expected a fellow human to bounce on me but instead, a huge black dog jumped on me.

"Ender!" Ender was my dog since childhood. We both grew up together but Carlo said Ender's still a puppy despite him being as huge as a wolf.

Ender began licking my face in excitement as I laugh from the tickling feeling it gives me.

One time, I asked Carlo what kind of dog Ender was. He said Ender was a rare nighthound with a special ability other than immense strength. His ability was teleportation though he never really demonstrated it. Maybe Ender wasn't being trained yet.

I pushed Ender away so I can crouch in front of him, giving him soft pats. "Is your mission done, Ender?"

Ender replied with a bark, making me giggle. Ender also likes to tag along missions whenever he has the chance. The last one he was in took him about a month to return.

"I guess you'll be tagging along, huh? This will take a while, is that okay with you?" Ender barked once again, his tail wagging speedily.

I giggled at his response as I stood up, letting Ender follow me. We both walk in silence, the dried leaves crunching as our feet and paws stepped on them. I mean, it's not like I can have an actual conversation with Ender, anyways.


It was soon to be nightfall and we've been walking in this massive forest the entire day. Who knew the kingdom around our kingdom is so huge? I guess we need to find a nice cave to stay in for--

"Bark! Bark! Bark!" Ender stopped walking and just stared at the tree on our right, eyeing it suspiciously. I crouched beside Ender whispering, "Is something wrong, boy?"

Ender looked at me then he whimpered. I stood up, not understanding a single thing he said or barked.

I carefully made my way to the tree. There was still enough sunlight for me to manipulate so I think I would be up for a fight or two.

I poked my head to the side and my eyes widened, realizing the situation. A guy with dark blue hair, probably around my age, was lying on the ground, bleeding. He also had claw and teeth marks which I assume are from the beasts that roam the forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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