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Fingerprints scatter across the floorboards.
Hollow shapes filling the room.
A quiet voice singing chords.
Empty weeps, an unfinished loom.

Red wine spilled onto the carpet.
Holes fill the empty bed.
The halls seem well guarded.
A black pepper is spread.

A dust glowed over the sheets.
A painted print rubbing with the floor.
Eyes that never seem to meet,
Just that and nothing more.

Never belonging to someone filled the air.
A woman seemingly so bare.
Left to rot with so much wrath.
With tired, dead eyes following the path.

An overwelming feeling creeps over.

Who left the room so bleak?
A man with such gluttony for closure?
A sense for never being able to speak?

No, hunger is never so resolute.
A belonging to a dark wish,
It's a hunger you can't compute.
A desire you wish you'd miss.

Cold, dead fingers lay still.
It's something that won't distill.

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