Chapter 2: Explaining

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The next morning Merlin and Arthur were up at sunrise and were now eating breakfast.

Ar...Arthur.wh.....What are you going to do with me?" Merlin questioned nervously

"I don't know Merlin. I don't know." He said glancing at him. It had

Merlin looked relieved.

Once they were ready they both started to get going again to where they had left their horses.

On the walk they were both silent. Then they heard horse hooves. Then voices.

"Spread out. Find them. Kill them." Morgana said

Everyone there knew who she was referring to. Her knights spread out. Merlin and Arthur quietly and quickly went behind a few large rocks.

Merlin poked his head out from behind the rocks so that he could see Morgana and her men.

"Merlin what the hell are you doing you're going to get us killed." Arthur whispered firmly

"Arthur I know what I'm doing." Merlin whispered firmly

Arthur rolled his eyes then watched what Merlin was doing. Merlin used magic and made foot prints going down the path from the way that Merlin and Arthur had come from then made the foot prints go into the bushes on the same side as they were on but quite a distance away.

"Tracks over here." One of her men said noticing them

Once all the men and Morgana were distracted Merlin and Arthur were on the move again. When they were out of hearing reach from Morgana Arthur spoke.

"You've done that before." Arthur said annoyed

"Many times." Merlin said

"You do realize that you'll have to explain everything when we get back to Camelot." Arthur said

"I will." Merlin said

When they got to the horses Merlin gave them some food, they untied the reins and they were on their way.

When they got to Camelot a few hours later at around mid morning both Merlin and Arthur went to his chamber. Arthur had already said hello to his wife, Guinevere.

"Merlin get me a bowl of water and a cloth I want to wash up, then you can get me a fresh outfit, unpack and get me some lunch then you can explain everything and I mean everything. I also have many questions which you'll also have to answer." Arthur said as they walked into the room

"It could take a while. Might it be best if I start while you eat?" Merlin said

"Fine." Arthur said with a sigh

After Arthur had washed up and change into a red shirt, brown pants and brown boots; Merlin went down to the kitchen and got Arthur's food.

Arthur was sitting at his table when Merlin came in with the food. He set it down in front of Arthur and Arthur spoke.

"Sit down and start explaining." Arthur said gesturing to the chair beside him

Merlin slowly sat down "where do you want me to begin?" He asked

"How long?Who knows?" Arthur asked

"I was born with it. Gaius, my mother, Will, Agravaine seconds before he died, your father while he was a ghost and Lancelot ." Merlin said, he didn't mention that the Druids and some others knew (spoiler alert Lancelot and Elyan are still alive and well)

"How can you have been born with magic?" Arthur asked confused but slightly curious

"I don't know my mother said i started doing weird things when I was young." Merlin said not looking at him

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