Chapter 3: Becoming a Knight

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It had been a month since everything had happened. Merlin didn't tell Gaius and his mother that Arthur knew since he didn't want to worry them. Arthur continued to keep Merlin's secret. But since Merlin had told him about the prophecy Arthur couldn't stop thinking about it.

It was about Seven o'clock in the morning. Gwen and Arthur were both still sleeping when Merlin came in with a tray of food for Arthur, he set it down on the desk and walked over to the curtains.

"Rise and shine." Merlin said

Gwen slowly woke up "Good morning Merlin." She said

"Good Morning Gwen." Merlin said

"Merlin." Arthur said annoyed and put another pillow on top of his head

Just then Gwen's new lady in waiting, Anna came into the area. (I'm not sure which names had been used for her lady in waiting in the past so sorry if it's the same.)

"Breakfast Milady." Anna said

"Thank you." Gwen said, Anna curtsied then left the room

"Okay Arthur time for breakfast." Merlin said pulling the pillow away

"Merlin." Arthur said annoyed

Eventually Arthur managed to wake up enough to eat his breakfast. By then Gwen had already left the chambers already for the day.

"Arthur why are you so tired lately?" Merlin asked getting Arthur's clothes out for the day

"I...I just keep thinking about the prophecy and your...our destiny. It's been keeping me up at night." Arthur said

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you." Merlin said

"No, no you should have told me; well I mean you had no choice but you should have told me sooner." Arthur said

"Oh." Merlin said

After breakfast he got up, washed up, and got changed into his chain mail for training.

"So today I want you to clean my room, get clothes out for after training, mop the floors, do my laundry, change my sheets, make my bed, sharpen my sword, polish my saddle and polish my armour. There's no need for you to attend today's council meeting or training today." Arthur said

"That will take all day and it's a good thing that you're saying I shouldn't go to the council meeting or training because I'll need all the time I can get." Merlin said, that was Arthur's plan to keep him busy all day

"Then I'd get started if I were you." Arthur said

"Of course prat." Merlin said

"I am not a prat." Arthur said loudly then Merlin quickly left the room

Once Merlin had left Arthur went over to the window that looked out into the courtyard and stared out. He couldn't shake the idea of the prophecy or the destiny it was a lot to handle and there was only really one person to talk to and that was Merlin he wish that he could tell others like Gwen and other close friends like Leon, Elyan, Gwaine and Percival. But he knew that Merlin was his best friend and he had to make sure no one found out until the right time. However he couldn't let Merlin see that he was slightly worried about the whole thing, he kept having nightmares and similar things in that aspect he was the king he had to seem tough and brave. How was he supposed to even return magic to the land everyone believed it was evil and couldn't be trusted. If he allowed it the citizens wouldn't feel safe and trust their king.

He was then pulled out of his thoughts when he heard Gwen's voice.

"Arthur." Gwen said, she was wearing her red dress with the gold designs and standing on the opposite side of the desk

Merlin: Arthur Finds Outजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें