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She depended on him. He depended on her. They simply couldn't live without each other. It didn't start out romantic. How could it, they were only 8. They had grown up as friends, but he had always been a better friend to her than she had been to him. He had been a friend she could tell anything and everything, and he wouldn't question a word. He would always listen, even if no one else did. Maybe that was all their relationship had been; merely a link between two human beings that had no one else. Maybe if they had had the choice, they would have chosen someone else. But they didn't have that choice. And now he was gone.

When he first left, she hoped he would never return. The fact that he had left her when he said he never would made her more furious than sad. She promised herself to not waste a single tear on the boy that abandoned her, and thought nothing in the world could ever make her want him again. Oh, was she wrong. It wasn't long before she wanted him back more than anything she had ever wanted. She hated herself for making him leave, even though it wasn't actually her fault. That was when the tears came. And they didn't stop.


"Remember how we used to run through the woods between our houses and pretend we were pokemon trainers? And that time we were by the lake and you fell in the water, and swore you had tripped over a bulbasaur? I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I don't know why. I guess those happy moments we had back then is all that's keeping me sane.

I've been crying a lot. Well, you probably already knew that, you know more about me than anyone. Then again, I though I knew you just as much, and I was wrong. I was wrong to think you would never leave this deadbeat town, and I was wrong to think you would never leave me"

She looked at her phone, and pressed the delete button for the eleventh time that day. She hadn't talked to him since the day he left. She had lost count at around day 80, but it had to be about 150 days since the day her soulmate had stepped out of her life.

His name was still saved as "🍕Mikey🍕💖" in her phone. Why would she change it? She couldn't help but smile a little at the memory of a 16 year old Michael demanding to have pizza emojis with his name.

"I swear to god, Sanna, if you don't put any pizza emojis there I won't talk to you for a week!" Sanna just laughed and put the phone away, knowing how much it would annoy him.
"OH COME ON! Is it that much to ask for?!" Michael exclaimed loudly, falling onto the couch beside her. She could only laugh at his annoyed expression, which soon after turned into a very determined one. He was giving her the silent treatment. The way his face twisted in concentration made Sanna cry with laughter. Michael wasn't one to keep quiet, so he spent every ounce of self control trying to not laugh along at her adorable laugh. There wasn't much in this world Michael loved more than Sanna's laugh. He loved the sound of it more than any song, nothing could compare.

He couldn't help it, and he leaned in to kiss her pink lips.
"I thought you said you wouldn't talk to me?" Sanna said, mesmerized by Michael's green eyes.
"I never said anything about kissing," he answered, leaning in again.

And the name in her phone was stuck forever.


Hiiiiiii I haven't written a fanfic in ages! I know this is terribly short but that's how I want this fic to be, so the chapters won't be really long (although they'll probably be a bit longer than this). THIS IS AN AU FIC, meaning that the characters (that are based on real life people) will not be 100% like how the people are in real life.

This story is dedicated to a really really nice girl called Sanna (yeah see what I did there), she's the sweetest person ever, and one of my best friends <3


-Cami xx

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