Red And Black

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"Now we're stuck in the middle of nowhere

Yeah, you know we took our time to get there

We're hiding out in a dream

Catching fire like kerosene

And you know I'd never let you down,

'Til the sun comes up we can own this town

Something like make-believe

Living in a movie scene

I know this is the way it's supposed to be"

Michael strummed the last chords, before looking up at Sanna, anxiously awaiting her response to what he had just played. His cheeks were tinted red, almost as red as his hair. He had never before played her a song of his own, and he could honestly say that he had never been more nervous in his entire 18 year old life.

Sanna was speechless. She couldn't understand how her boyfriend could have kept his songwriting talent from her that long. Of course, she knew that he could sing and play the guitar, but he never played her one of his own songs.

"You're the first one to ever hear it," Michael said, and Sanna couldn't have been more honoured. "It's not done yet, though, I only have that verse and a chorus, but you know. I'm getting there," He stuttered a bit, still nervous. She still hadn't said anything.

"Mikey, it's amazing!" She yelled, tackling Michael in a big hug. Michael yelped loudly (which he later explained was more of a "manly grunt"), clearly very surprised at the actions of his girlfriend.

He decided that playing his own songs was something he would do more often.

And he did. Every single night he played her a new song, until he ran out of songs he had written. Didn't matter if they were apart, skype and phone calls also helped, even though they both preferred being together. 

Sanna and Michael had this really strange connection, sometimes it was like they were the same person. They had the same taste in music, same favourite food and almost the same opinions. Which was great, considering the fact that they didn't really have any other friends. They didn't need any though, they had each other, and that was more than good enough. Michael had a song which was one of Sanna's favourites, and it basically became the anthem of their life.

"It's not a secret that I'm just a reject"


I'm sorryyyyyyy this is kind of really boring but I kind of just needed a small chapter between the first chapter and the next, which I promise will be better!

I should probably clarify this, everything that's in bold and italics are flashbacks to different events throughout Sanna and Michael's life, and the title of the chapters are what hair colour Mikey was sporting at the time of the event hahah :) Most of the story will be flashbacks, but of course you'll get to know what happened to them later in the story :) The next chapter will probably be up by the end of this week!

-Cami xx


Michael Clifford - Ink (5SOS AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora