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There was a side to Michael that Sanna hadn't seen much of before they started dating. Well, due to the lack of friends they had and the fact that they mostly kept to themselves, she hadn't really noticed it a lot while they were dating either. Michael was extremely jealous. If the person talking to his beloved Sanna had a penis, he would make it very clear that she was off limits. They didn't even need to be talking to her, but if he caught anyone looking at her more than casually in public, he would glare at them aggressively until they got the hint. There was one incident Sanna could remember very very clearly, and as most of their memories together, it made her smile. That was the first time Michael told her he loved her, but it was also the incident that caused their first big fight.

When the teacher called Sanna's name, she and Michael looked knowingly at each other. They were in English class, and as their teacher knew that they didn't really get along with anyone else, he always paired them up with each other when they were doing projects. That was the reason they both knew that right after calling Sanna's name, the teacher would call Michael's. But he didn't.

"Matthew, you're with Sanna this time!" he called out, and the shock was evident on both Sanna and Michael's faces. Why the hell would their teacher do this to them?! And that wasn't all, why would he pair Sanna up with Matthew of all people?! Matthew, the biggest snob in school, that had all the girls running after him. Sanna would rather be paired up with the trash can. Well, in a way you could say that's exactly who she had been paired up with.

Right after class they both rushed up to the teacher, knocking over a few people on their way. By the look on his face, they could clearly see that their teacher knew exactly why the came running up to him like that.

"Well, I presume you want an explanation as to why I didn't let you two do this project together?" he asked calmly, he almost seemed amused at the still shocked expressions on Michael and Sanna's faces.

"Yeah that would be great, thank you," Michael said, annoyed at his teacher's amusement and with a voice full of sass. 

"I have had a wonderful idea that I think would be great for you. You don't really talk to anyone but each other, and that must be boring in the end, right?" (Sanna and Michael both sighed loudly at this) "So I have decided that on each group project we do I'll assign you to different partners, so you can get to know someone else and get some new friends! It is a great opportunity for both of you, and my decision is final. Now, it's time to leave the class room, we all need our well deserved break!" the teacher said, and almost pushed Sanna and Michael out of the class room.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" Michael exclaimed loudly, when their teacher was no longer in sight. "HAS HE EVEN MET THE PRICKS WE GO TO SCHOOL WITH?!" This called the attention of the other students in the hallway, who all glared at Michael before scurrying off to the cafeteria for lunch. 

And his rage was completely understandable, but Sanna later understood why he was SO mad at their teacher's decision. Had she been paired with literally ANYONE else, he would have been less mad, and maybe he wouldn't have been yelling profanities in the middle of the hallway. But she had been paired with MATTHEW. Not only was he breathtakingly handsome, but Sanna had also admitted to having a crush on him a couple of years before she and Michael started dating. Although that crush had lasted about two weeks, and was definitely long gone, Michael couldn't help but feel incredibly threatened. 

In the next English lesson, Sanna had to move from beside Michael to beside Matthew, and you could almost see Michael's jealousy. They say that jealousy is a green eyed monster, and Michael's hair really matched that thought. He couldn't concentrate for the whole lesson, he kept staring at Sanna and Matthew, who were sitting too close together for his liking. Not that they were sitting close, they were actually sitting about a metre apart, but it still made Michael extremely jealous. 

It seemed like Matthew could notice Michael staring at them, and the smirk never left his face. He purposely put his hand on Sanna's thigh, using the excuse that he had to lean in closer to see what she was writing. Sanna, not wanting to make a scene but still thinking it was very uncomfortable with Matthew being so close, told him it was alright. 

This made Michael so angry, and his face and ears went so red. Matthew glanced back at him, and said (very loudly);

"Are you celebrating Christmas early, Clifford?" he laughed, referring to  his red face and green hair. Michael's face went even redder, if possible, and he looked ready to punch Matthew.

"That's it, you fucking prick!" Michael got up from his chair and started walking towards Matthew, before Sanna quickly jumped in between them and dragged Michael out of the class room, and further out of the school. 

"What the hell was that Mikey?" Sanna asked, trying not sound angry. "He's said things like that a thousand times, but you know he'll just shut up if you ignore him! What do you think would've happened if you punched him?"

Michael didn't say anything. He was so shocked that Sanna wouldn't take his side in this, and that didn't help on the jealousy part.

"Couldn't you see how he was hitting on you?! I couldn't just let him do that!" Michael yelled, before quietly and bitterly adding "You didn't seem to have much of a problem with it, though,"

Sanna couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was he seriously implying that she had liked Matthew's actions? "I can't fucking believe you! Do you really not trust me at all?! I just didn't want to cause a scene, which you did a great job of, by the way. Thanks a lot!" she yelled at him, now equally as mad as her boyfriend. 

She could see his face fall when she mentioned trust. They both knew that there was no one in the entire world they trusted more than each other, and Michael was genuinely sad that she believed that he didn't trust her. 

"Of course I trust you, Sanna. It's him that I don't trust. I'm just so afraid that he'll somehow manipulate you into thinking how much better he is than me. And just look at me! He's so much better looking than I am and I'm so scared of losing you!" Michael hadn't taken a breath at all while almost yelling, and he was left panting. 

Sanna's rage left at once as she watched her boyfriend's face change from rage to one that resembled a sad puppy. 

"What are you talking about, Mikey? You're perfect, and there's no one else I'd rather be with," she said, almost whispering. She closed the small distance between them and pulled Michael in for a big hug. He enveloped his arms around her, and hugged her back as tight as possible. 

"I just love you so fucking much, Sanna," Michael murmured into her neck, making her freeze. Michael's eyes widened and he quickly stepped back from her.

"Shit, was that too early? Did I ruin everything?" he gasped, his hands over his mouth. It didn't take Sanna long to break out into a big smile, and she ran up to him, grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.

When the pulled apart, while still holding his face between her hands, Sanna looked deeply into Michael's eyes.

"I love you too,"


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cute cute cute cute I really liked this chapter hehehehehe I hope you did too! It was a bit longer than the previous ones, I hope that's okay :)

Oh and  btw the gif to the side (or at the top if you're on mobile) IS ACTUALLY KILLING ME OMFG

-Cami xx

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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