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After showing Shownu to the locker room, I quickly hurried to the girls' one to change into my P.E. uniform.

As we headed out to the rest of our class, I waked over to find my friends.  It didn't take me long to find Minho and Hoseok in the back, not paying attention to anything around them.

"Yah!  Lee!  Jung!  Pay attention!"  Both turned around to face me.

Minho watched me approach then came and stood over me.  "I am your oppa, remember?  You should call me oppa."

I looked at him and snorted in his face.  I couldn't control my laughter and neither could Hoseok.

"Hobi, does that mean he needs to call you hyung?"  I turned back to face Minho.  "If we are playing that card, then you should address everyone like that."

This made Hoseok smile wider and he laughed, "I like that idea.  Minho, address your hyung correctly."

"Uh, no," Minho said with a face.

"Then I'll call you whatever I want, Lee."

Hobi and I continued to laugh at him while he pouted.  "Whatever, Kim."  He playfully kicked me in the shin and I kicked back.  We lightly attacked each other and Minho was about to say something else when he suddenly stopped, staring at something behind me.  Hobi was looking at the same thing, causing me to turn around and come face to face with Shownu.

I smiled at the sight of him and turned back around to introduce everyone.  "This is Shownu, the new transfer student," I told my two friends.  "And this evil shin kicker is Minho, while Hoseok is the nice, joyful one."  Hobi and Shownu laughed at my description of Minho, during which, he proved my point by aiming another kick.

"Yah, stop kicking me, you're just mad that it's true."

Minho ignored me and went over to Shownu, "Be honest, what did she do to make you talk to her?  It won't be too much trouble for us to hold her back and make her stop bothering you.  Just say the word and you can be free."

Shownu ignored Minho's smirk and gave him a genuine smile, "Not at all, she has already helped me a lot.  And it's pretty hard to escape when she is my lab partner and in all of my classes."

"Really?  You have the same schedule?  That's odd."  He turned back to me.  "What have you done to him?  He is in every class with you and he isn't upset about it?  Well, at least you don't have an awful partner."  The next part was aimed at Hobi, "Poor guy, he has no idea what he's in for.  He won't make it to the end of the week."

Hobi just chuckled and shook his head, when the teacher split the class up into teams for basketball, ending our conversation.  Luckily all four of us were on the same team, but we were unable to discuss anything else.

After P.E., Shownu and I had Korean, so we headed there and made it right before the bell rang.  I took my seat next to Soojin, who was also in the class.

Shownu ended up sitting two seats behind us, next to a boy named Namsoon.  Namsoon was pretty nice, so I knew they would get along.

Soojin leaned over and whispered to me, "Who's the new guy?  He's kind of hot if you ask me."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her.  "You haven't even talked to Shownu, how can you already have a crush on him?"

"Wait, Shownu?  How do you know him?  You never talk to anyone that isn't in our friend group unless you have to."  As soon as she said that, our teacher passed out our Korean test and we weren't allowed to talk.

"I'll tell you at lunch," I whispered, then we started our test.

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