Fight Club (LISF part 1)

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This took a while bECAUSE IM LAZY

Also I'm splitting this into two parts because I need to update lmfao. Imma call this the LSIF arc lol (Lyarrah Silent Iskall False)

Also I'm uninspired so here take ur chapter and enjoy 

The first thing Lyarrah wanted to do was join the Fighting Club.

She'd always had a passion for PvP, and had been told she was really good at it. Honestly, she just loved the thrill of it.

As she opened the door to the room the club would be held in, she met the look of an angry blonde. False groaned inwardly yet again, before walking over. "What do you want?" She snapped irritably, as Lyarrah blinked in confusion.

"I'm, uh, here to join the Fight Club."

False scoffed. "Of course you would be. Listen, I don't want you or any of your other friends thinking they can come in here like it's their own place. I don't see why any other club leaders don't see my point, most of them let your kind in their clubs."

"Are you kidding me? Is this because of the rivalry?"

"No, it's because you have red hair. Yes it's the rivalry!" False dryly stated, leaning against the doorframe. "Sorry, it's a hard no." Lyarrah put a hand on her shoulder, to which False pulled away. "Don't touch me!"

"Look, maybe we can make some sort of deal?" Lyarrah was ready to beg to join this club. Back before the fire, she would love going to the club, and often came when she was too sick to come to school, just because the club was on that day. Granted, she had to just sit and watch, but she would often shout helpful advice from the sidelines.

"Why the heck would I make a deal? Not interested."

False turned away.

"...What kind of deal?"

"Okay, so you and me, here, in, let's say... a week? We have to train someone, not in the fighting club. If the person I'm training wins, I and any Bedrock High student gets to join this club."

"Okay... and if I win, which I most likely will, none of you Bedrock students can join any clubs, at all."


"You heard me. Deal or no deal?"

Lyarrah sighed. She was taking a huge risk for everyone else. "Fine."

False grinned. "Alrighty. Meet me here next week, Friday, 4pm, with your chosen person."


"Ly, what the hell!" Zloy stared at Lyarrah in shock.

"It was the only thing I could think of!"

"You're literally putting everyone else's right to join a club on the line just so you can join this one. Just join another club!"

"I can't really back down now, Zloy! You don't get it..."

"You're willing to sacrifice everyone else's enjoyment for yourself? Are you kidding me?!"

"Zloy, listen-"

"I'm done... I'm going before I get pissed off. I'm gonna find Pix. I'll... talk to you later, Ly."

Great. Now Ly has successfully pissed off her friend, and probably will piss everyone else off if she loses this match. She had to find someone to train, and fast.

"Hey, I saw what happened there. Can I ask what's going on?"

A boy with a diamond eye sat next to Ly.

"Ah, I made a stupid deal with someone..."

"What was the deal?"

"We both have to train a person not in the PVP Club. If the person I train wins, I get to join the club. If the person that blonde girl trains wins, none of the Bedrock High students join any clubs." Lyarrah looked over at the boy. "You're not in the fight club, by any chance?"

The boy sighed sadly. "Sorry, I'm a member. Either way, I don't think False would like it if you trained me. She gets... protective. Sorry about her. My name is Iskall. What's yours?"

"Lyarrah. It's no problem, people will be people. I have to go find someone to train. I'll talk to you later, though." Ly stood up, before exiting the cafeteria, Iskall looking at her leave.


Alright, Ly had gone through at least 20 people who all gave her weird looks and said no.

She was walking through the halls, looking for a person. She only had seven days, and she didn't want to spend one of them trying to find someone to train.

Then, she saw him.

She looked through the window to the Robotics Club, and saw a pigman, not too strong looking, but quite lean, working on a contraption in front of him.

Lyarrah burst through the door, getting a lot of startled gasps, but made a beeline for the pig man, who she recognised as Silent. She'd never really spoken to him too much, so she hoped he'd helped her.

The pigman looked startled, as she slammed her hands down on the desk.

"Hey, Silent, so I need to train you for a fight in about a week, which, by the way, if you lose no one will be able to join any clubs, so, mind helping me?"

"Wait, run that by me again?"

Lyarrah recited her long tale, as Silent blinked in confusion. It was a lot to take in at once.

"So, if I lose, basically I can't do this project anymore?"

"No. Please, dude, you're the only person I know!"

"I barely know you-"


Silent sighed, defeated. "Fine, you can train me."


"Parry! Thrust! Come on, Silent!" Lyarrah shouted, as Silent attacked her. She blocked all of his attacks with ease. She simply knocked him to the ground in a few seconds flat. She sighed. "This isn't working. Again."

Over and over, Lyarrah won. Silent could feel himself growing more tired by the second. "Maybe we should take a break for today..." Ly put her sword down before helping Silent onto his feet. Silent looked embarrassed, avoiding eye contact. 

"You guys are really struggling."

Lyarrah turned around, poised to attack. She dropped her stance when she saw it was just Iskall. "Yeah, I'm not too great of a teacher."

"You know what... maybe I can help."

"Wait, what? Wont False be super mad?"

"Well, what she doesn't know wont hurt her." Iskall winked, or so Ly thought. Its kind of hard to tell if someone is winking when they only have one eye. However, Ly had to be somewhat grateful.

"Thanks, Iskall."

She looked back over to the pigman, who was gazing off somewhere, completely in his own world.

She was gonna need all the help she could get.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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