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It been a month and it's almost 2 months, me and Ray are doing fine and so is Emma.

N:  Good morning Ray!

R:  Morning..

N:  Still sleepy?

I hugged him from the back.

R:  I don't know. Maybe.

N:  Come on, let's have breakfast.

R:  Yeah..

Me and Ray went downstairs
with the others, they were playing and running around. Normal. Right?

Ray sat next to me, everything seemed to be normal.
But he looked sad.
Ray looked sad.

N:  Ray, what's wrong?

No response.
Then he spoke.

R:  Nothing.

N:  Okay.

I am completely aware of this situation, but I just don't know how to respond.

E:  Hey you guys!

Emma sat beside Ray.

N:  Hello Emma.

R:  Hey.

E:  You guys sound kinda sad.

N:  I am not sad, I am just feeling normal.

E:  Then, Ray sounds sad.

Everyone seemed to be seated and quiet in the dining hall.
Mama came with Leslie.

R:  It's only because–

M:  Norman is getting adopted and will be leaving tomorrow night.

Everyone gasped including myself.
Everyone execpt Ray
It seemed like he knew something, he knew all along didn't he?
He didn't tell me.

N:  What's the meaning of this, Ray?

R:  Huh?

N:  I need to talk after breakfast.

E:  You guys are going to say goodby-

N:  No, it's something else.
Sorry Emma but it's between me and Ray this time.

E:  Okay, but congrats Norman.
You got adopted. You finally have a forever home.

N:  Thanks, I know.

I didn't seem and sound happy though.
I didn't want to leave the orphanage I grew up in, I didn't want to leave my friends behind and most importantly I certainly did not want to leave Ray.

We ate our breakfast, alot of children cried during breakfast though. They didn't want me to leave, Ray didn't talk at all. He only ate his breakfast and went back upstairs. I followed him from behind quietly, he was heading to..

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