Chapter 1

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Day 1

Its been almost 4 months since the boys joined with ATEEZ and in these 4 months, a relationship blossomed. Former fanboy seonghwa and member hoongjoong. They had trouble before becoming official and now all the fans know because of that kiss on stage.

A new aspect of this job is fanservice, the boys were aware of what they had to do but did they have ti enjoy it. Wooyoung himself understands he most likely can't get what he wants but he wanted to try.

Today was the day he would start. Today marks day 1 of getting choi san. The first step talking. Now they talked massively since wooyoung joined, but they haven't really talked about their friendship its always been about what the others are doing or what the fans want. Wooyoung needed more than that.

His urges were getting worse so that's why he started this mission. He just hopes he can succeed. He's giving himself a time frame to complete it in and that time frame is 90 days. Fanservice and all.

As the day comes to an end so does another practice. They were planning a new song called horizon and had figured out the steps. They didn't post the dance practice to this to keep it more equal. They didn't want a bunch of people doing this dance before it's release. It wouldnt be a surprise then. Wooyoung sighed and made his way to their Dorm with the others trailing in front. He was tired and wanted nothing more than to get into bed and sleep. But God knows who ruined that. As they arrived to their Dorm,  the place was ransacked and a mess. Everything was thrown and jumbled in piles.

They searched through everything seeing if anything is missing, but they found nothing. Everything was there so what happened?

This baffled the group as they started to clean up, why would someone come in here and not take anything?, this question was running through everyone's  minds as they finally made a dent in the mess.

Picking up pieces of glass from the kitchen floor connected to the lounge, San spots a flash in the corner of his eye. Facing where it came from he spots a black silhouette. It moves. San backs up rapidly and yells for the others, causing the figure to lunge at him. He screams as the figure grabs his neck and covers his mouth. Within seconds the figure gets san to shut up but the figure is too late. The other members arrive and manage to grab the silhouette and pin it down, removing the hood to reveal a girl. She had long blonde hair with died teal tips. She was fairly good looking and was at an average height.

Her strength however was what shocked the members, she managed to release herself from yunhos grip before being pinned by both seonghwa and mingi.

"what's your name?" hoongjoong asked in a cold tone.

"(Y/N)," the girl said sneering at the leader.

"what were you trying to do?" jongho said clasping gently onto Yeosang arm to protect him from the girl.

"I was trying to do nothing" the girl stubbornly replied. Seonghwa scoffed and grabbed her wrists ti ter causing her to wince  a bit.

"then why were you hiding under our kitchen counter." he asked her the girl rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a saesang (SP?), if that's what you think, I'm doing research for my coursework" the girl explained struggling to realise the tight grip. Seonghwa removed his grip slightly but still had a firm hold on her.

"what research?" san asked, stepping towards the girl.

"why do you care?" the girl shouted agitated.

"because it involves us and we want to know why you ransacked out Dorm." mingi said growling, intimidating the girl.

"that wasn't me, when I arrived a man had skipped out and so I just entered the open door before I heard you guys return. I wasn't doing anything wrong" the girl replied. The group sighed and let her go, the girl sat up and rubbed her wrist and massaged her ribcage.

"I was simply here for professional purpose. I was told to investigate this group, par the managers request, he put hidden cameras around to see how you would react. Look!" the girl growled pointing to the corner of the kitchen, the boys looked at the gestured area and spotted the camera. They gapsed and bowed in apology.

" were sorry noona, are you OK? " Wooyoung said gently grasping the girls hands and rubbed the sore spot.

"I'm fine," the girl said snatching her hand away.

"so who are you?" Yeosang Said.

"I'm you're new stylist" the girl replied.
"this was a test for the Both of us, it was a test to see your reaction and my response. They wanted to make sure I wasn't a fan so they could hire me." the girl explained and once again the boys bowed in apology.

" stand up it's fine really you were reacting on instinct it's normal. " the girl told the boys and they did so

Soon enough the manager entered the room and was clapping. He bud a congrats before telling them about the girl. How she was going to be a live in stylist, to make sure that the boys are following their strict skin routines due to the now hot weather. The boys thanked the manager as he left before going back to their normal daily things.

Seonghwa was cooking with yunho now since there was more mouths to feed, they made a large feast as a final apology and presented it to the rest.

"eat up" they said before everyone dug in. The silence became awkward as (Y/N) surveyed the boys for Any interactions. She noticed the touchinwss of four of the members, the silent whispers of the others and the awkward tension between the final two. Wooyoung and San where the awkward ones, the day shocked them and sans reaction made it worse. Wooyoung genuinely thought he was in trouble but he froze, he felt pathetic and useless. No he felt like he could have done better, if he didn't freeze he could have helped somewhat rather than muttering the question he said.

He was scared and worried for san but he couldn't help it the boy was his crush and he wanted to get his attention. So far this mission is flunking.

As the night came to a final close everyone finished their meal and went to bed, (Y/N) having been toured around earlier in the day.

San was agitated at what happened but as he put himself to sleep all he could see was Wooyoung frightened face and that made him want to protect the boy, he didn't know what this feeling was. But he liked it.

Sleep lulled everyone into darkness and the memories of today stored away gently.

Maybe today wasn't so bad.

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