Deal made and set. Part 3

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Bill took dipper to his room and placed the boy on a seat near a triangle window.

Dipper looked around the room in a ditched way but saw the nice room

The walls were black red and gold this three doors on three of them but a window on the last almost expanding the whole wall. Out the window was a sky with two moons and stars that made it so perfect like a painted picture but more.. more. In the room was a couch with two reading chair on each side and a tv up against the wall. And against  the wall with the window was a half circle bed that makes it feel like a large window seat. The floor was of hard black wood with spots of red and gold plush carpet in different shapes a small blue triangle was on the wall above the door bill started to head for.

Bill opened the door and pulled a small medical chest and brought it to a coffee table that dipper must have miss that sat between the TV and the couch were dipper was sitting (definitely not the writer who missed that detail.. maybe).

"Hand me your hands and then we can deal with your back from earlier.. Okay.." bill said pulling out some cream out from the small medical chest and placing some on his hand.

Dipper gave his hands to bill as bill takes the cream from his own hands and rubs it on the fingers of dippers.

Dipper feels the sting then it's gone and so was the blood and bites.

"So what did you do.." bill said with authority and because of the deal Dipper had no choice but to answer.

"I bite my fingers.. I.." dipper couldn't continue he felt useless unwanted and lost.. Stan, ford... and Mabel all abandon him and.. bill just wants a toy not a human..

"Your right.. I want a toy.. but I take care of my toys.. and love them and more.. so your not useless.. and I do want you.. lost I don't know I think you are right we're you belong.. sorry I read your mind but I did give an order so I don't need to ask you for me to see the whole explanation.. pine tree I need to tell you the rules before we continue.. and I'll try to be lenient for the first two week but after that you should be accustomed to the rules and the way your new life will be.." bill said watching dippers reaction which was the same detached way it's been since bill came back. 

Hmm I'll need to fix that.. maybe make him think it's a good thing to be a toy.. I don't know.. oh well we'll have plenty of time.

"Rule one: you have to follow what I say unless you have a concrete argument for it or if it endangers your life not your body.  Rule two: you must stay in the fearamid and by my side unless you ask to go or I send you away.  Rule three: if you see family or friends first ask me before doing anything and wait for me to release you. Rule four: you must wear a collar when you are in the fearamid and every were else for that matter. Finally Rule five: know you are mine and always take pride in that most demons would eat you if you don't have the color or my seal.. I'll give you my seal after I start weirdmaggeden so please stay here until I call you okay..." bill said snapping his fingers and changing back in to a demon triangle.(thank you for the GoOd OlMeNs)

"Yes bill" dipper said mentally writing down the rules subconsciously and resisting then to remember better.

Bill snapped one last time and a yellow collar appears around dippers neck with no clasp to take it off. 

"I'm sorry I'll have to leave you so soon but I'll leave with a friend of mine that wanted to meet you.. see you around." With another snap bill disappear and a wolf appears in his place.

"You must be pine tree!" A female's voice came from the wolf and then she trance formed to a girl that must be around Wendy's age but younger. With silver brown hair and blue eyes. She wares blue jeans with holes in the knee and a long gray t-shirt that has holes in the bottom around her belt level.

"I'm called wolfy by Bill and the others so do you want to read or play a board game till bill gets back?" Wolfy said walking over to the TV and pointing under at the cabinet that indeed had books and games.


"The Sky.. What's Happening AHHHhhhh!.!.!.!." people everywhere were Screaming and the sky was torn weirdmaggeden has started ford tried to stop him but instead turned to gold and bills new back scratcher.

Mable was saved by Wendy and Soos and Stan hid in the shack. No one was prepared and everything was going to plan but then when bill gave the order to make this global a barrier was found.. bill got mad but then tried to get ford to tell him the secret but ford refused and bill fumed turning ford back to gold bill took ford back to his room to calm down with his toy.(im sorry this is fast I just didn't watch this episode in that much detail also dipper and Mabel would be in the shack if this was the original by now..)


Dipper was moving his piece across to boardwalk and planning to buy it so that wolfy has to pay him every time she landed on it haha.. manoply.. fun.(the future war that is happening now..)

Bill appears and throughs a statue of ford at a wall that was mostly empty and then turns to see wolfy moving her peace two places back while dipper was looking at bill and the statue.

"Wolfy that's not how the game is played. And what are you guys doing?" Bill said looking at the game and who was playing.

"Waiting for you.. we got board so I purposed we pay a board game.. hehe but I'm loosing pine tree knows how to play better then I" wolfy said whinily.(disclaimer I like puns im keeping my pun in there it is not a punishment for you its a prize for me to laugh at.. thank you plank boreds)

"If you stoped cheating then you wouldn't be losing.. I'm at an impasse and the fool who has the information I need is being stubborn as hell.." bill said scorn in all his being.

So that is ford dipper thought then the information bill is needing must be the barrier that keeps weirdness in.. but that's... just a set of trees right? 

Bill looked at dipper and the asked in commanding way "which trees" (now that I think about it the hand witch lives up there right.. I need to do some research..)

Dipper gulps then blurts "the trees at the crest of the mountain Gideon's robot nearly destroyed them but.. weirdness can't touch them only normal tools.." dipper stuttered then nearly panicked that he just sealed the fate of his world.

Bill sat down next to dipper and pulled him in to his lap petting his hair and doing some magic.

Dipper began to sleep and bill placed dipper in to a bubble and locked it he gave wolfy the key.(if dipper could bargain his sleep that would be intertaneing)

"Don't let anyone wake him and if he wakes then call me.." bill said and disappear.

"Yes sir I'll keep young alcor safe," Wolfy said then began to clean up the game and read a book.

Even the statue disappear with bill.


Bill teleported to the tree line and saw what dipper ment. The weirdness went around not throw and they kept it from going any farther away.

So it you can weird them away why not chainsaw them down. Bill snapped and a row of normal chainsaws and his henchmen picked them up and started eight eye pulled a boom box and hit play on a song that seemed made for this..(Tao play now)

The trees were remover and the barrier disappear like it was never there and the henchman took the chainsaws and began the havoc on the world. Everything is going as planned and soon will have the ultimate power alcor left them as soon as he finds the rest of the peaces.


Read you later

Goodbye chaarydaughter 

Just edit plese comment if I missed anything ill be trying to get this back on its feet so I can make more chapters thanks for waiting..

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