Family party! 8(warning gory and bloody)

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Pov mable.

It's almost twilight and sound from in side the shak is minimal and my team is geared to attack. Ford has made his choice, while Stan has come out to really see this. 

Stan had come out and asked if I was serious but he already know the answer. He then told me we're to find the books and some supplies already bagged up and ready to go when we attack but in exchange he wanted no harm to fall on those who are sleeping and himself which was acceptable. 

So Stan went back in and must have gotten most of those in side to bed. We will only cut the limbs of those who are still awake those who wake up must stay in their beds if they don't want to be dismembered.

Tommy had ran off to attacked some eye bats or a useful demon to use as long term transportation options.

Janet is ready to go and in the mood for blood her eyes where a very bright green. 

Jessica had her gloves on and a mask so she can keep blood out of her mouth but the pliers where washed and ready to pull teeth.

Drew had his spanking gloves and his black face mask, he's fine with fighting if he knows it's coming if he's scared he's useless in a fight. 

im ready with glitterglue for torture and my main weapon being my metal bat for pain and my two throwing knives are in place for this attack.

Once Tommy's back we go in and fordsy is not coming out of this unscathed.

Tommy falls to the ground in front of us holding rope that leads up to two eye bats with the eyes covered so none of us will be stone.

"As requested, some monsters for the ride?" Tommy said pulling the rope and standing up from his fall. The eye bats bounce off the barrier and seemed a bit arrogated.

"Good, now lets get some blood and bone for fun! Right M", Janet said holding up her machete to show how eager she was for the fun to begin.

"Onwards, and bring them out of the building so there's less of a mess this time.. but leave fordsy to me!.." I said a bit too eager for blood myself but with the anger I've held on to for this long I want blood.

We moved in and found the shop part of the building turned in to the new living room with new couches and the tv and stuff that used to be in the old living room was set up we're the selves used to be and the front counter turned into a small organizer with chore charts and names and a calendar. 

Janet and I continued forward to the lab as Jessica, tommy, and drew headed through the staff only door to find the others who might also want to fight.

We found the old vending machine already open  and a trap ready to activate if I wasn't here that is, I shot the trigger and continued down the stairs to the elevator and then to the lab.

There were no sign that anybody had been here yet the lights were on and the room that used to have an old portal in it was now with cages of odd creatures and of course the books but now with a fourth book open with ford writing his find of what ever creature he had in front of him.

"Stan, I need you to tell multi-bear to come down here to move the unicorns to the back so they won't be found.." ford said with out looking up which was good for me. 

I moved forward and throw both of my throwing knives in the back of his kneecaps. As he falls to his knees I kick the table that was in front of him over and the papers, ink, pins, pencils, and the books were now all over the floor. I pull my bat and use it to hit ford in the face not hard enough to knock him out just hard enough to sting and bruise.

"MINE NOW" by AuthorReading.. (I got permission before I write)Where stories live. Discover now