It Never Ends

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I have felt your lips against mine. I have loved others, I have stopped thinking about you in a way of you being mine. I have felt your lips against mine. I have moved on. I have loved another and wanted to feel their lips against mine. I have felt your lips against mine. I haven't had my heart skip a beat for you in so long. I have danced without thinking about if I would ever dance with you. I have felt your lips against mine, And it meant nothing to you, but everything to me. I haven't stopped thinking about it, I haven't stopped crying about it, I haven't stopped thinking about your lips pressed against mine for a single moment. Even though it happened as quickly as my heartbeat I can't get it off my mind. I am supposed to love another and yet you haven't left the space between my ears. I thought I stopped loving you but the moment I said that we should kiss in that joking tone I have, the moment you said yes in your daring voice, the moment I made eye contact with you as all of my dreams came true- the moment I felt your lips against mine- it all came flooding back like a great wave on a dried out field, I love you and I haven't stopped. Because I have felt your lips against my own, and it's all I've ever wanted.

I don't even know when this was or  what it was about but enjoy it i guess.

Actually I think it might've been a fever dream- nah i still have no fucking clue.

But yeah, i randomly found this so i figured i'd post it. I've no idea how long ago i wrote this.

But enjoy and stuff.

Yeah i guess i forgot and did in fact stop thinking about it.


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